[r %
and* more beautiful, than the Jtfcins ( brought from Turkey: the Cominitte-
' ‘was, therefore, of opinion, that Mr. Philipo was deferv ing of' a Bourn j, of
■ One HuhÄd^Tound^a-m^L'GoltUMedal, for hij^diiSay^,* 1 Sail’d
trouble and expence be had been a ^ ^ ^ ^ c h Y c folution |m % o d e^ a ”^ d
November’ JÄk
N. B. 'Several fp'ecii^^Sf'jthe -]|e|ther -are'prelcii ed m the Society’s Re-
.pofitbry of Maiipfa^sf e's. * «;31§p •epodf ^nmix&T lo horl-Nm S sit* -«
.wQmife X K sj.v
~atid Minn '
' $ %.(^dran&merfT oT^/e aft^FQuilting i'lram^ooin^l ^V^el?FaBPI
thfe new, and uf^futjnamifapile ffikpttffcffifXL
jOurdeymari wdaver, ‘ wRafe eifficfi^liosftirth^r
afinall qp|hti|^o^foK the ufe of h i ? ^ a i | |d phildrdn
made inio^rments for them, it'Vas I h e w h / f s - o l curio lit y; . fan
g E n x l e w P m a n r w h o f t - tokhe am.tmr.rif pnnfr -
‘antf Le, apprehending, it might be an; <i)JtcT: Xorlhr d i ^ c T s S S S W ^ ^
found pafet, the' i^enmusjin v p n ^ ; of whom Inimo-
|c^ired a g M E g | of^fre/faid Quiftingfv^ch ^ a ^ p t^ lu cA d J i fe ^ ^ t } ,
.«Tyhpf^hberal premiums am gjffihhdpg this
manufacture Jo^Iferprizing^ % g f ' o f ^ l ^ g i o n ^ ^ ^ ^ p ? ^ W ^ ^ f y
beautiful, cheap;- and' durable,"- 'theren n0$ a ^ ^ ^ ie a t it^Jiot Ji
for home copfumptien cand ffp|Gexpq^atprv,; • oh.
tained .premiumsr fcrihv ;wmerjMr.-Bumphmf^
donj; ;Mr, ^pfeph.^haw, /ofe ^eko% in ^ .m p a ^
Spital-fields ; Mr. Betyamin Slim, o ^ ^ d -^ p t^ London",v Mr. joStlfan
Baker, of Sprtal-fjelds ; Mr.,Nicholas.Jtearcal,, off Eaddeminfter; Mr Toiin
Earroek, <of t Spit^fiel^ • Mr. j J^naa^Jph, <0f «Sb'c^ditch,. London ; h k
Obediah.B.iderr;: Mr^ JofehsBarn^.j
N. B, s Specimens rof -the different .forts of . Quilting are preferved in the
Sbcietyfs 'Repo£tory.-,pf-Mapn^^resu ;ri
C H A P .
V*7 ft K ''AqgW'' HXfh
^r& yiy fll' j fir ffinningi B rafy ajul C ^ p e t '^effels. ■ ■
| T _% y ie^ 'known;%a$;-hrafs and popper yeflels,; not property Tinned,; will
f°on ruft and. canjcer,. r.epeption pof ->^rr
liquid or folid .matteg^made nfe. of3ifor ■ visuals",,&c. and as - it has been found
byij-es-Peu^ c e that graih- tin is.the .mpft 'properimaterial,.;fpx.Tinning fueh.
velfels, th e^ c ie ty (in tl^yeaij 1755) .offered, a ^ e p iu m ^ r(Ten Pounds Jo
t*hd perfon \s ho fliould. produce thed'argeft brafs or copper .yelTei’ : containing
with .pure
grain, tin ;jyöthpu;t ^ad;.jmg^y|^;^:f^ipyr,™Mateiger.' * 'f
! 'The Candiditc flu' Tf<^niuni^^,'^5ft; Bontj«, -of
C ^ H A %
a > 4 i tM'Mjjp. &S I | v - L 'A c ,
h$?inlg .b?^n^fugg^fieA! iMfete
IfMfVgreSt nUmher\of'wdhie’n a^^'^^inploy6rdJih inakffif- Poiiit '-Lace
an'|-tha^g^#(ju^nl:ftr#sst^ ^ c ^ ^ ^ a ^ -ahnually ?Wpbrted ^Mo iHis'kin'|^
^dota cam'^xm^^eibl^iOT^ ^&lMr rfdv§ral pi^ifiidhis
for this- artiefe, with a ^ie^^ of bringing it tb the, greateft de^ee df peffeftion
in this country; and of employing; bur own people,:’ and : circulating, amorlg
rhdtfi', khe rargeTum's^nmdrm^1 which ^M^ay mf^iif fd^lofeigheJs. |
In^cdnfdqu'en’ce; 6f the faid premiums, many fpecimhns' of Point Lace Vere
pfoducOT ^'ahd' the * Kirididatl^l'’lie^aFte^‘ mention,e!d ,' dbMndit'pre&it’ufiis ‘for
their curious performances : Mife;SEfther’-Bbofeie, Lof Church-cOOTtJ^'SL-Mhr-'
tin’s; lane-; Mifs Mary-’Bakers ^df'-' -Hafeftone,- ^ Leipdfterfliifey Miis "Mary
^.ootie ; Mifs Maria D^lIfeS^ofCHl^felh-ftfeSf, Wflfs Cfo^) t>f Monmouth
; and Mrs. |Theodofia Bourgeois, of;©e^^.5r-?f§
C H A P *