P R E F A C E .
I ,y. was originally intended by the fo r the Encourage'-
[ g in ent o f ^ r g , and ■ Commerce, tb pubhlh an hiftdrical
^ ’ ^gifter ^^^theiii/Sra'nTach'ons; which svas prevented by fome bcpur-
rencesj ''rieedlefs- 'he'reK' f q be’ htefttiemed. - Taft^wShK*&§figrn(not the. leaft
lahoriotis, pofllhiy &fet'the'leaft ufeful) is; hare attempted; and I f lit& jn y -
fe!£,L To far<a$^hb'kidnftry of ah ihdividual may ptefame bft Tuctefs, that a
publication ofsthe following Defig^ an^I^fcriptrons^the many ufefli'l and
ingei^ibus Machines and Models placed in their ^epofitbry, for the benefit of
thfe public, jwill Be' a; means®fe^ill; extending this benefit, ahd co-operate,
in fome meafure, with the truly laifd^ble'^tiews .of thisf patriotic Society.
' The method I have ritkeh^-ki digb ffihg* the materials o f the present Volume,
has been that of arranging the defies arid defcriptions of the feveral machines
and implements, under thofe gencial heads -"oplimprovemen^feo which they
^ re% a iv e ly relate. Thu^||Boo,K,';the i:)?^?i and third, relate folelyto.
objects of AGRieuiTbRE ; xh&'^rji. Comprehending defigns, defcriptions and
^explanations, of th^'fevetal ploughs and implements of'phufbandry preferved
|ip. ;lhe repofitory of the Society.
In the execution of the defigns, alfo, cafe has been taieij to.reprefent not
on}y the whole machine, shut every.material part of.it, in fuch various points
dr;view, as. to enable the artizan to cofritni&' it from the de'fcription. To this
end more plates than one have been found, neceflary in the explanation of
fomefmafehines; in which cafe fuch plates referring to ofte, machine, or
modeij'.^d dlftiriguiflied ;by ^umbers ^ as Plate I. Plate II. &c. ‘. (To the
jj^s^e&ive vie-w|s, ggpnietrical plans are alfo farther added, to facilitate the
c'omprehennon1m;the workman who would.copy them in practice.
In ^&.& 0 nd Book given a Short account of fuch of the ploughs, machines
and models, in the Society's repofitory of Agriculture,, as are hot
b . • yet