{ n i
I 1jQ1£s the beds with their trunks, ftaves, &c. are fixed in fiich a mariner &i to
■ make tJ§"Vhs of a, greater briefs diftancefrpm each other.
0 0 , T wo Iron Springboks, fdftened to the upper rails of the plough-
in filch ^mannej.ttoythe tQpth^or pin in. the middle, of the. bolts may
I ilon rods C, C ; ’their ufe is, -to regulate the
c^furrows. &ee Q, Fjg* m apd Pvlate 2, Fig. 4, 5.
} n bvl*.:a il ■ £..? ■ %V.'R' e m § jti
i%^;di^trieter; the
■ iro5 axw of,the t w o ! « d i d i s two feet tym^^l^j^ojjgj,rand.one, inph
K fquarc.H
B A. diameter(at-the
■ M » - and four. inipjga^ad,,^.-M^
„ fXh G,, Twi) ,rpft hi a grpoyp, .orchannel,
B-%at»hhrough e^ch P. P.. -h ft^A^W *6 -fet .tclofgr. or
■ ••v^pr.-xa.4’” .^ri1y^ P ^ :B,,^Pfit¥' ''thelijfelgij^^ij^A,,iron Sc^epys,
marked 1, 2, 3, 4. j
;The., under;H^jd|eshMith,?^)%j^e.plflugh;rff|lffi^s<hup from-jthe
§ . . q ^ Bridle,'b^ S^ootfep Fram^wiith aft item ring, tp ^hich the cattle
I are fa^^edr.^5,.
, p P Thg> tyrQvr.gfPP^iti%fufftxn|, or> crpf^,Br}aces,n>^ich coftte^rth®
[ gliding bed^G,jQh(., ■
F I G Ct^ r -e P I I I .,''
I P} A Plan^ of one pf -.th& Tranfoms,, with;;tsi_groove or channel turned
I uppejrmoft to ./hew its rgro^ve., ^
I/F„ I G; tJ t R | | g g lVq^ ,
C, ; - A Plah'of orie( ofjthe-'flat'regelating Iroris.;-
F r I G-AJ1. R - -E
\ APJfift ^,oner,p£^%Spriftgj^ks.rr^ee the; a g d a ^ p n o£,QrQ, . F i g ^ , .
This Plough wifh feye^al clears £a$4 iP? £ fijece.qf ground :at Af«^K
I tay^Apfiii io,,,^7&6y ift> prrp(eftce^gfa|^er Coiftniittee ,of Agriculture, wfio
I jr^bffion tp- jiyider mfe, ip y nuuift ftf jfcffeag Rev*';'
I *o]Lafl4$ft ■V?NC^ *efi?h*tion the Spciety;
I agreed, May 14, if(m‘'.