C 3
hffc.'hfrsWfc tjg% inches lpfig. When 4&P J|#s: ate fiat drawn by the chains, the
a .djii^ioa pArallet to the land'iide of the plough, and its ’axle-
tree refts againft the ends of the mortifes at right angles to. the traft of the wheel;
brut,whfa the, filter % is; Iko-ked: to the fright, (the period who fhoves it handing
between the; handles), the Jeayefe on- the loft of thejcops will be drawn back at top,
confeqnentjy.the axle, tree, of .the wheel Q, will be pufhed forward at that end’
whigh tisyi#s ||ef plough .from, land; pft -the' contrary will be the effect when the
•tillCT-^i' flioyed to thetiei^B
Ther perforated pieces, oaf. the'eadsf'pf ,the caps T, T, and hand R„ are. td
regfiJpte the hjeigM of the- wheel, to tin© thicknefs of the furrow, if,-there’ ■ -'-f
^B’tfiifereirt depth, that the plough n^,be required fa /cdt*:, jund as.
ptapoie a^.bhtTiWe,6bftv and:not;ahov« threes would be wanted to,
»&£§ a gteah variety WWepfhj, 1 would ratheMecdtameninfing wheels than
&efffi&abhbttie of tra<SKcm:. andbefirf^ rwhen
Qttt only ^ dfpth: the-feafqn requires;.depend upon '
l»dplQi#ed“^eaye(to,hifi.oiWn<mind unalterably. | .The pin, as.feen
H ^ ^ &ig. i t& prsyeht: the: ftgnd from falling <?pt of the
we%hed npffey the handle^,to turn upon the fridtion
^lth|^d^pf the fcygea, &e. ^ -The ether-pidfuftabis, the pieffifre of; the
beam wte* tjaplaugb is ip;w0ikA’ c.
: H A R : XII. .
4 ■-a,n4 - qf' Jfw .JL^Mrt’.s:.HQ It. S E-HQ E x and
I ri^o. I. , A p e r fp iS M t V im ^ t h e J Iqe, '\ it h jt s j^ A ifR g^
A, f a^HE ^hare, ^or^Hpe,^ wh«fabp^ine fqrnls^an angjg -qf t>j degtpes^ its
1 le^. !«e .tw^j. |sfit ten ij&£$j tHef qwptegs- lppg,,. apd- two incpies
and fhree quarters'broad afthh; tail^hndC their i^ne# edges are qrip in<£h thieh ;
theit qutQt pdges. ^e %<?} .J^pperly hardeped, and, ground tipPs f® as to cuffhe
roots of the weeds as the Mfig, palfes under the mould; the under furface of the
Pqe ijL|gK UJget. f^^eg M;ea®h>J^h is equal
b?gfi9fitr of cwerhjtth gafh of * whptb radius m m& inch and foe?
, T\yp Ixop StAfihafiis, ^leve^ lp^]^ awi thfe£ qf^f^a Iqpgv (front
Inqulde^^gttioulder^ jtj^o, inches broad,' and one'inch thick, inclining t&.}:he