1 :0 , 1 .
riJ gj ,o^wo'beïi2R®lefs,,-^ifeh^a^'the-Jeathei^räfs toeteaftefl nfen-
tioned. SeelFigs^i^^ änd 4.
..; «P TL y ^ T % I II. • * ÉgÉ
Ä,>-Aj: T h e üpperrEödsftf f.tke;twQtSt&ndards. ©pTofts, which ippport
*- j “ ^ "* ’ 4 ‘ " y T* J' v *V ' 1 ’
B, 3 , The upper Ends of the two principal Standards or Pafts,Kon which
ïhè maohineris-jereaedj l* f fi
I, The front W (k ^ n 'Raü,ymoirif^ into;ihe:llandards B,ffi. rcSeedefr
criptoancof flated.
K, • Thé Slrff-^heÈliHdèferibed in Plateil.
r*h, The. Axis ° f the cafter-4&idksï £
M, The Handle, or Lever, of the caftór-bailcS.'
;M, 'TheiNeddfeV .
O, The jacks.
dP, | . 4ffhö-f alU«gT»ar. | |
Q , ' ' The #ont;SkyAhar.
. t R , ; tThe^ltff^sk^and^f'bar. ; , j ^ °
S, S, 1 Tw^^^-fcreWs,'' b y which thë^fafifcigifeir T , '&*. 2ls ndfid '®r
lowered. - I . ’ h
ê Tj»T, Tw o -^ ^ td fe y s , ï& & & k ?M /ta e i. H^Tig'.^'and 4.
f ï V Two Springs, faijeped to. the-per^ndicu|'ar plates of^the^ay-Wr
'framC, &c. ^See ^efcription pTy,'Plafe 'I.
'trtJ, ' ‘TheXbck'ing-1)4f: See'defcri^tiöh dfTfeté I.
Wj W,- T.wo Plates, tof Iron, defcribed in PlatipT,
X, Twp fixed JrÖhTlatesl fSeé description ofTläte’L
Z, Z, ' Tb? Singers. ' nj-wiu'- r, c ',r -
3.0$, f°^ne<aed ihe Talaócfe-irame. " ‘See defcnptidii of
: *V f ' ' y i ' h '^-ï-^'--L
bi "b, Tw o Ccgrds, fafteped tp the two outer tread1.es, and'to the gYooVeU
M ë - ^ r a é ^ o l .'. ‘,.1; / . . . . * v
'YwoJrron rods, conrieöxd to the flay-frame, ‘&c. &ee 'the défcrtp-
tipn- of' PJate'jj.
....d, d, ètcf '"The-^siuf-Tip'es* • \
'4 4ef T^ o fe^iicpxular Artns^or itfeb-hócfés* to wtóch ih e hofe ate
fyfteped, ,
■ r £% ; Two jtftntéd' ïrÖn'Köds.
b, ■ The. twp Iron. Places, which fuftain the Uur-wheel, Sfc.
'!J*r/l,.v-u The Pods 'of the' jirefler-frame. See defcfipYiön óf Plate I.