C '& 3
F* I G U&R. , E ,W - .u
F, The Hopper. ' • \
, H, „The Fork.
I, The Fulcrum, or bendealron,
K, The upp3t Roller, -with its rajt^hpt-^h^el. 9jnd jchaiaa.
L, The r«upd-hgafled Iron, to- yhieh.the- jad«|le8^fri^j-bo x,, &cs*/are
M, . The ^idiSe-Bpx.
st Y , ' iJii ^ n Trundie; fet forth more particularly bar
„Plate i.
This Machine was purehafed of Mr. jjwersf January 14, -
i ^ At P - X)VTE
A Defcripiian i f 'thd'Model o f Mr. Evers's
grtnftn^Gdrn ■$ made to a Scale o f an w to if'^jfT '
PLATEilfe Fig/si^- ' A.Geometrical. *$/fo e ’M.YL'L-* .
f r< ATUT *cfround-Floor,,.is.'ta^o^ej^^apgv
1 one- footmrie inGhe^ ^nd^^reQ^igjjbers.high--...
ji, S,' fiig$it fliort, Pp^t|^gr' Blocks of Wood, three
inches and three quarters long, and one incl^apd. a quarter bfro^di andj^alf
an inch Muck; Thefe polls are faftehed to the grounjd-fc^r,.^aJi!^,portj4 he
moy.eable rh^p^ing-flooty which turns; very llowly on fiai&ion.rollers infeted
Into tne Heads of the pons, i
C, A circular Threlhing-Floqr, two feet in yiameterr-apd? ®ne inahqmd
feven-eight^ broad, on its periphery,, in which jfrhere„ ate qpnj l^pdredf?nd
.concentric* dire&ion,, and threme3 with thp p^p^diaularjA^»B>ers Lq >
•V D, The perpendigulah' Axis1, of t%p ^ .fupgprget^> oja a
column, - whofe height 5 om Sts % plintJa tooths, togr-ef .ifs. capital* ia-ten inches
and three-fights. Its under gudgeon wcjr-ks in a block of wood faftented |>n
the ground-floor; and its. upper gudgeon turns in the beam or girder which
fuftaihs the mill-ftbnes O, &c.
jjE^ tf Ah Iron Pinion, On© ingh and^n half in diameter, with fix teeth.
This pinion turns, the large fpur-wheel or threfhing-floor C.'
F, A