C 23 ]]
length, and then turned mp to.Tank ;'aj'Hipdb.-lkl£"att »inch-thick,. ^
fore links of &^|Ch|ij,ns’ H, H, are fixed:
H, H, .Two ftrong iron phasas ; the'fortTndfc ctf which arefe$eriec|ltóthe
Hooks G, G, and théir backends' to the Cat-héad, Or fófre .end of fhe Beam of
the Plough, with an iron Bolt., g
; Q, The. bottom or t»ic • rare: oaare f irrr'fCv‘0 leet' ei^f:Tngjes Tong'j'
two inches broad at the fore end,, eleven inches; behind, and three eighths of,an
inch thick, f t be fore and of the/Share pr^efls one .foot three .inphes, from, fhe
perpendicular of the. near, fide of the Beam.
R, The hind Sheat, made of iron, is two- feet five , inches long,, three
infehes:br©ad, and thr^.faghthsgf an inch; thigh;: ,this Sheet is Ta^ettyo the qff-
fide of the Beam, one foot from its back/end, and is fattened thereto witfi ±yvo
iron ftaples, dtive^ .through tb4 , Beam, and fcrewed on the.near fide of the Beam,
and a ftrong iron bolt in the middle between the two ftaples: this Sheet is henjt
Wk reVerfe to the Sheets O, and ;fbtms an angle with, the horizon of feventy^five
degrees. -
S, The
C f3 3
r. 8, The back Plate bfThe hind Share i it is three feet long, two inches
broad before, and one foot at its hinder end, where id is! rivetted to the Sheet:
thé: fore end of this Share projects one foot three inches from the perpendicular
of the Off-fide ©f the Beam.
T , . : The bottom o f the hind Share a it is of the fame diinenfions as the bottom
óf thfisfare Share. :
- U, U, „/The jtwo Handles óf -the Plough, fiye feet two inches long; fafl>
ened to the back^m;b| èfee Beam with two iron bolts and fcrewS : the back ends
of the Handles are three feet and two inches alunder.
,|.,F I G.; g.
; Plan of the Fore S b,a r e and § H b b t |,
O, _ The Sheet, with its two Staples, and Wedge*
P, P^The-bacIc 'Plafe ofihe Share.*,
Q, The bottom of tfiëjihire.
.P L A S ' -E , IL F .J jp ,^ g.
A Geometrical Plan f f the Pt ô ü fe«.
‘ A, A, 'The fi'HeRails. Sle Plate ï , FÏg. t .' ’
J B> B, * Thè end Rails.
' C,' C, r T hé Irhri F rames, or Brackets. ■'
D, / • '
, F, ’Ey 5 The two Arms ' of. the Scraper.1 • ‘
/ • ■ 'Fy F, The Staples, fey which the Plough is ' dra Wii:
G , G, The iron Hooksj by which the Plough is'donrierabd to the Frame.
H, H, :/ ' ; The two Irons, by which the Plough is dfitwn.
Ï, The middle Wheel, which gbes in the rot to guide’the Plough in its
K, K, The fide Wheels j whitfh preveht the middle Wheèl frôm finking too
deep in the rut.
L, ' The Beam. ;
M, . . The "Conifer;
N, 1 /The Brace of tKe Coulter.
O, Thè foïe *Shéet. jj
P, The bade Plate of lîiè Tyre',Share. ' ,'J
Q^, "The bcMom1 Plate or tne rare Share/
R, The hind .Wfieël. j
S, f The bac^ Plate oP.tReTiinci jshare.
‘ T , '’Thè ‘bottom Plafe or the luridTnaïér
■ U, U, «The Handles of the Plough. ,