£ s* |
C, 'The Store, or Fire-place, ope foot high, one foot arid half an inch
diameter at its upper end, and eight inches diameter at the bottom: its upper
end is lapped to the under end ,gf thc;®on£ of'jhe Oven/
Dt The Door of the Stove, four inches highland feven broad; bent [to
£t the Ouivcof the Stove, and has.a:hirige ri\retted to its, bath edge arid the{|ide
of the Stove.
E, An Aperture cut.ithrpu^x the^ under ,end of ^rid the ’Pari:
that contains the fire. See Plate a. Fig. 2.
F, The caft irqn Pan that contains the fuel : its perpendicular 'height is
feven inches, its bottom forming the .gtatei or’lbars for 'the -fire. to lie on. See
Platef 2, Fig*. 2* ' ?
' G, The code of the-' Oven, forir inches in -perpendicular meight^r its
under end is rivettcd to the upper part of-the Stove; -its'uppfer-erid! k-Wo'fee’t
and half an inch diameter.. See Plate 2, Fig. 2.
H, The outer fide, or wall of the Oven, two feet diameter, and orie
foot in perpendicular height, ,iri^ uppdir and under _ends being ^fet off at right
angles- with the fide forming a rim,, to fecdve thejaps of the cope apd crown of
the Oven.' See plpte' 2,'Fig! 2. " ‘
' i The Crownqfthe O^en,“ tvto feet and^ Half'an°mc1Rrmtkl^eter at its
upafer edge, where it is lapped and fixed to the upper rita.dfl|fte orifer ^de waF
of the Oven : the perperidictdar n ^m or fhh (5fbwp is'wo mckfesi'v
E , K, K, . [Three Brackets, rivetted kr a triangular’ pofition aga’u?ff;ff?ini
ner fide ofthe outer wall of the Orreri,' with^ their horiz6Mp[?apriis7t e ^ rewards'
the center rif it, to which the under plate of the bottom u!s nvettedvi;'rSee Plate &
Fig. 2, and 3. . , ? _ ^ ^ ' , *_ . ~ ‘
1 L, *L, The two Plates that form the bottom of the CWeri: Jmefe Plates
are one foot feven inches and a „half diameter, and are fivetted' to, fhpv unger end
of the inner fide Plate of wall of * the Ovefi,}fofmirig -sjf''cl^tt^or ^naff *awS®ch* -
See Plate 2, Fig." 2. ,
M, The inner fide[ W wall of the Overi, is tea'unfelfes 'iha'^ne rourfh/m'
perpendicular height, arid one foot feven inches and a half diameter.
N, The Head of the Oven, one foot ieveH dB6hes^and-five7-eight&“diame-
ter, lapped or bent to-the inner wall in the farile manner as’The Crown I is-to*
the outer fide H.. See Plate-f, Fig.%2, and.-g/.yy
O, O, O, Three Brackets, fy'which the head ofthe Oven is fixed tojthe
outer; fide ofthe'Oven. ...See'Plate 2,: Fig. 3, 1 ,
P, The Funnel, fix inches diameter, by which the frrioke is conveyed off. <
The Funneli that rConVey^ the. fleam from the Oven into the SmokefiirjneJ:
i t is an inch ,and a half diameter, paries through the head and crown
of the Overi, and yrith a mitre-jbirit is trirned into the Smoke-funnel.- > See
Plate 1, Fig.' i , and Plate 2,'Fig. 4.
R, A regulating Valvej fixed' in theupperpartof the SteamFunnel : this
Valve is a'prece'dfriiitc iron,; the fize'bf the ca^^ of theFuttfire!, fixed to a
•piece of iron wire fix inches long, and-one fourth of an inch thick : the outer’