I p Jl ,'
.Zj sr,Tbg upper End o£-,the,;ShQyfeh fquare holes torte*:
ceive tjie.n^tt!hesj^te^^fithf M<i'ii
f i ! /” ! j , | 5 “
M, M, The,imtcnMX im , or otoppers. 4 .' . ; ( t
N , ' The Woopen Axis, of tn'g.Stqotexs?-^
O, ‘ ~ The1 hand Kail of the gtoppejs.
P^Tj J Two Trundles, witn wmch the handle, or upper and under ralfe-
Q, Thefumler Rail of the Handlejframe, halved a^Jaft^ned to the
notched arms MVM.
v . J- J R E
• V, V) X, 'The Sliding- Blocks; whofe fides ^re^2 rahheted,^ ahd^
fitted to the apertures- K, K, and their end to the pilots! o&ihe’axis X /H
' A model tip this Machine, was^ fent 'it6 r'the ,Societ-^€hfeIf^dfity*-‘ft'cbn,dlb£'
AptUiuisjI'X, g and: rhforEefr tp> tbb Gqmmittdb ^bf:• AgrigulttfrAr and M^g|y {&$•'
jointly; who examined-ig/with great accuracy“; buttes t-he^mo'dfel
(being made to. afcale of-one inch to a foot) they thought it- ad ViMBli? hot*^
give'their opinion' of; it till 'they hadfeen'theMMiine3ift its Aiffm^pMuifer
Accordingly they appointed a time for (the dfrfp'ed-ion * of therMatMnh at 0%f-
fordi m Mertfof^Mn, whereqa Veiy fltefhedable -coffiniitfee
examined it ; had it worked in their 'prdfeifeej^and - with great fadiliiy it'fiHett
up a large pit in a ploughed field belonging-to Lord HpaJ?, whbfojfervants had
fuccefofidlyliifed ibjfor fq|ne[ timfcxpafert This npeirtetion- was performed to
(the. fatisfadi®i .of the committee, who .wag! ofr. opinion,9 that the> niachin®:
equals in jwork the labour- of-twpnty niem;r; and ithat Mx^QhT^pphePxSdverMnd
is jdefervingibff: the. gold medal of the Sofcic^-j'tto'WMe^thelS^ely agreed*
C H A Pi