The lhares are fallen ed -to. the ^etag|^j| lhafts wit^k^Aferrils ,>and yqOdgqs,
in the fapie manner^s',the Aare^^he^fingLe^M^qj'. * ÏJRhe^yjjk.ttl hrmjdk ;
are alfo faftened to Ae^sbeamfth the -fame jnarinefJas the^hA d jégjóf «tiapilliglf;
cultivator. £
The carriage ‘wheel is^two"5feet ften jiftcifes “in 'diaifieter, and t v?®indufs-Von
its periphery, as^heforesinentiopea; ufts lidve^r axis, is ong,-l^>o taught jrcltcs
and an,half long, and ipches ,and aivhalf in jdiameter. In the mid^^S
turns on two iron gudgeons, ipferted into the detached lhafts, rr&fned and
properly fattened to the beam,, m,the fame manner as^helhaft’s of the fhares
are.. T'hèreis an iron’hook fattened, to. the rare end of each of, thofé' flrafts,'
to which the, traces are linked, forthe horfeum' draw ‘by.
N.‘ B.‘ “Thefe cultivators were procured ^ymt^e^ü/jafeadVeaux,^ at’tne Society’s
expence; The maker of them, ih order "'to-J render’ them as.phean'as1
poffible, has To Contrived the Carnage-wheel, and che t\\ oTor*jfi«p, ab,,tl»
fit either the fihgle or the double cultivator ; but as, fh.e frequent puttii^Mhe
Hips, ’&c. in ..arid out of the mpftifès, is apt. to looierP arfcl injure .the jnftru^
ment, many. people j|re, of opinion, that it wpuid.he better to hay^a wneef
and lhafts, ‘&c. fitted to cacn inftruriiehj:/ f
C II A 1». V.
A fio r t Defcription o f Mr. Charleys s C Y D E R -M I LJ , , fr n a]a
Mode/, made to a Scale o f One Tnch'fo^d PooW^^
TH IS model is afruftrum of a cqjjie^onftrudled nearly.on the, fame principle
as a common coffee-mill, hut has^the nutfand Ihell ma^lq of Hone,
iriftead of fteel, and the tibs,ror teeth, are made nearly in the femettpiral form-as,
the teeth of a common fteel^mittj hn%mndhl^g£r,fca®%hbtA^'thiift-ohitIfeir.
cutting edges. The Ihell, or cqncave part, is three jinches in diameter a£#ts.
bafe, and one inch at i t s . vertex. . Its perpendicular .height Js;>about> four
inches.. This Ihell is permanently fixed on its bafeito the 'fi0©r,'w andSiiiS^fiT
times in a ftate of reft; whilft the nut, or convex part is ja<3tuated by-thefim
mover, which is an horizontal crown wheelp fevenr inches- and three quarters
in diametefj with one:hundred and fixteen cogs. .Tbis wheeLgives' mbtio® to
an horizontal lhaft,. ornwhich there are two. vertical crown-wheels, cme iql
them four inches in diameter, with forty4-eight cogSy actuated by. the large'
horizontal crown-wheel, the firft mover.; and the other,.whoffefdiametervis!
fi&e AGhesi and three-quarters,.v with fixty-fix cogs, is connected to a perpendicular
trundle, or wallower with eleven rousnd, whofe fpindle pafles through«
[ ]
£he fiu^V' ° r ttili(iJcónl^ t ó t t ‘ isufaftenêd with ’ wedges through fhe
Jpf^dife.1' 'The "fto‘H?1m^r^rÉHrii^wheël, 'öi*firft-mover; 44s: fixed' to a perpen-
dicmar< fhaft^tl? -which therdkfé'fnréë horizontal lhafts, whofe radius is eight
iffi-ttfe’s, afitt tHèi^'tiei^fif front the gtound ^parallel with the breaft of middle
KSea hqrfesi^ vtttu'ch i§ the1 power Aatfë U® of; .tcWWork this mill. Thé applet
are put instWa hopper fixéd*ovër thè vëftéx- of-fné'méll, ór hollow eorte, where
afre; ground^ *and' difchafged at fthbafe1 Upon' ailÉrge tub, covered with
h%i§§pl'oth tïï^jui'de iffuiri^ x^fWfr0m,'%ëMg ftrainettthhftfgh; it, is conveyed
nfPinfo ‘ MvO^Hp^ólpeiW ftracctthb teèëiyë~’lt.’*‘and the'pulp «removed to the
|iteWfd'be lqdeeztr$ B f thereHmmpetf pBWèrs mentioned in the defcHptktti
of thpjjgyder7gf,qtts>.
J.\,^hggU^Pilfil oflhhXS ’mill Ad. Cyder-bfefs ^erë,püfchafed< ê£ MÈ: MdM, for
M t'fqp i of £wen,ty guinea^. Manch
^<2^ h lA P
Ajhoh"Deffiption of ‘M r. Ll YI3E R -P R f e fakedfror^'a Mrfdel
t< 'mkdk M^dScd/e Twd 'lnches>4h ■ *4 PoM 5f~
rn pH IS ftiae-bine ^Xp'FOffe&^h*e-ju?eO front therpUlp #f?thfe appfosr by means
a beam, Or- lev&4 I'whieh,' aGG&!PcM®g'»£lD rthte’ ’model, isbfwgntyb ond^
ihcheg’lbngf1 onb-ihph and a qdaftbt>4ifead, thMe/qukrtfets ofi ah« inch thick
aE4fg‘back,* Or fukruto end^ raftd thSee quartersJof AUnch fquare ^«kstpoint
dtftO're end ; to fWhifefe-,igjhu‘rf^h ^ g te t , or weighty fufifeikht fd^the rffarpofe
iasoffded. Thferinve#f^^bf^^his-toadMne thinks'this saSethod of expreffing
the5 juicte5 frorti the^pl^l^^Wfofabl^lic/'th^bferewrpr^k,- whiG-hf’igradualLy
ibdfek ffs^efiecft ifc ^^|ti^ob«tsjlroiwth*e pulp ;!,Wh®:easahe.i-evbt'and':-«s?eight
fdll>V theTdlp,5 or chefefty as» Ibme 'peopfePfialldt, 'as-it diminrlhes kvtboUf»’
^httapreffes it atr-fti-times«with equakfer^*ofhel'4eviS^f^t%'?is taken up and-
doffrn ag octalibn fequire^by'meafls-of ‘a-Wiridlais, -pa^dfi and-pulfttSy Very
hfefdV,1 *and:5jUdiciou%Xftfedl-foir- tMW 'pUr^Sftfi At the -inner end ,©£ the
pfefsj there-'‘IV'a poft tdri-teches1 and' *a'qdartdfdong,,,!t ‘WO inches', broadj and
ohm inch ahd'-tlhree-eiglits5 thick ’; in,'the middle of this poll there is an after3
turn5 dft mortifeAur1 inches ldkg.,5<and' half> afoin^h broad.; ■ through,which is
mfeiteftattrong; tenfdb^hUt in'the> Ad^'of- tli;.«l%ver thls'tenon isic%afiatoally
ih&Ved-highef or lowertothe-' dpttture,.‘according to the-heigbt.o£the .eheele
Or -pulp* '-At- fhfe fore)Ond of thgl'pttfs there-are twoi polls, fix inches and
three quarters long, half an inch tprOad, and a.4u,arter:©f iftuqc¥ thick, diftant
'* a *' pj’ from