t M B
• q I I A P. r Xv- ,
F I G. i. •
} i JirjH Vilen,1w^'lFe P^f'^-l't) jBSgP- $&.’
A , A N Iron’, Pin', % Jcfe^^o ^Kad^the ftaff or brake-of fhe phmp|is
x T \ . faffifoe^f aiicteraie ctenf^^of Fts -'
iBpf A fquare Iron'KoH'/^b^^Tm&^end^srofunded 6fl[^a^f®bted%|^bt
info1 adi ole bored-thi'o’ugii^Mj-miioTi, io% Inch it Is' fatten echWith ..an iron&ey
F, through- JaSfSrtui'e in thejdnderfend of ib’cTaiQ^R^r****
C , ' A^fo'und TlafoMf ?Bfafs^‘ ctf ' I r f a n ; * and barter
of'an inch thick, -with a round hale in 'the•Mi|OTe:^f>h®^«t®e^SfiWe:f?ehd flF
the rod to pafs tnrol%R Plate fis fdreellT^t-i^nt afaiSfr w^ilfo‘ijders®f
thexrod}B, by~fheJifoh' keylF, by which^iffi^nl t h i ^ v & r y * eafily
take-off and on, and well fattened to^the rod, arid-the loadfef^c-ap' IS^^foffhd
fofol^^lo^the middle ‘ fajfifthef pitton ,intd4 nfa# ta^feld^-eo^niudb A’d^t>he%)l-(^^f
the"^i£#f^ asWpaffiS thF-bfiihtS;s/of ^fih' }
D, J" A®*roufid PifacefoFiF7tmKe¥^@^5®l^dfoffl8d.'^fdf;#he^^^Mfe)'5fifeted
firfull to the circumfererice'fof ‘Me^iJwh^as^tfMfll^if) ffTO^uib^-cii’ hollow
cyliodier,' ih.which it work’s.'1'
• E, 1 A Piffon,’nlade’o f wopd,,3Cvfet'il§h^^iM&M 3fe^POT^^withsSur
concave channel- for* the water tfaWpafs ’tMcragh * By- tlT-K**• itigyifiou >- r ontrh
vane^the water jJafie s- *thfough the pitton- andfo di-^tl5%iu'eh lef^fahlfe-MlioIra
than i f does’ througKfodMmfari5^ftdn^,2 <5£dPif!'iS Witeked^vtife-^^^ftiittion- 'affd,
the lleatHef'deTs liaBfe
Plftoh^aiAl box before* the CommitfSef founljit'hat fhcy-wfett^ft tM^Ic
t6 be obftrudted bydumps of^oal^'ttififes^chips, wlyf-favidenf^lfp;
that theyalfe mhchTboner taken'in and oift,' add nfdf e' 'eaii-ly li^feeitfed la&d 'repaired,
than c'ommon piftons, &c. and iv is very pi^®aBle^fhai^ifuttrh-isy,inefer
cOriftru&ed Pitton was to be’fea'de of cart brafs;- ihffoSd^o'f woo&fjpt whtlleLfae
a confiderable improvemeht to 'this <jleftaMtfveittIdnB> *>
F, “ ’An Wedge,' driven^thfotxglp'ah'aji'ertiife^theituadsr
cndfoj'ffi&rjM’B, and ferves tb fatten' the^iftont'i’gfhti tfa'.its pldfeei'^
F 7 G / ;t e S
> A f &iaK~ofi*jmeiBcx,$ 'w&fde :on we Jhfye’ P&ii}'$j)ltXcis< fhe^iflS^ pjfo
' Gy- The Box, is five inches diameter on~the face, or upper fide,Four inches
and three-eighths at the bottom, and three inches and three-quarters long.
H, The