inches long,, an^t dxamemr : which is connected tp the upright Shaft
G by aii iron 'Collar -FÆgtheRoller is jf c ed pnSts i^TSjilfaur feet and feVen
inches dfilant from thé center p f ihWShaft ffi.
p.hefll>IreâjCollfe,% which |g | agsis p f ^he Stone-Filler is con&eûed to
(he perpendicular foa&*G,:,is three ioehp broad, -and h a lfm ln ch l^ ck j it i s f e
into a groove in the ïhaft fliifli -with its1 outer furiaoe, and the ends pf M föewed
to the fiâfes of <the nxfs of the Roller.
G. *The main -Shaft- ©f the Mdlf eleven feet- dong, one ibot .tsèitj^ches and
three fourths Sdiafoeter'; turns on an iron fpindle nn, t&f center p f - the; Plat- form D.
H, The Crown-fàch-wnèhî^ eight feet' diameter, with fixiety^h^^gs,’: this
Wheel is"'fixed to domain ihaft by fix arms mortifed ïnfojMie ïhaft, fwo'fêét
and fix’ inches belorw its upper en%
I, I, “" Two of the cpree.i^\rms^hy^which tM main M fo G -is 'drawn
round by three" horfés; t-hefe Arms are eight 'feqèfoigF|rodi thfe.fhpulders off-heir
tenons, and five|inc|fes ïquare atMhe faiü ftoulntrS^feid ore fixed in the fhaft,
three-feet aqdj-fevea- inches^hpve itsjipper- end : tlM;’ant§r gnds ofhach qf thefe
Aipre,iare wsfo penpjhdiculfr Arnasf. tyvoifsfet losgf thrdë indt® broad} an#%vo
mêKès and â half thick, to which me hurles collars’ art hooked them Sb
•draw by.
11X,. âttehes^rcpdi, îm^hfive ipçhes, fbïck* ^frapled edgeways
initor'th© Polls'^l ândfî, twoiç^t apd^iee mehes perOT-the cari^ÔJ?1, ' J
L, * ambiant,' "that" càrfîes* ïitæ ïpihdleVp^îhè maindhaft, and 'me'TOri&nlal
ïhaft : this Beam is eighteen foef three inchm, long“,* n' fdofc by eley^fnches in- fée
middle ; anTâTôot7hÿlîx mchês",~ht'êach end.
M, ' The End Rail, fifteen feeL.ancJ, nine, inches .l&g^nine inches broad,
and-five indies thick, framed “edge-Waysfinto xfie Foils A, ‘ tWq, .féé&anclTfhree
fjjpiies ’below theiend .c^pfiH. • 5
N, ' A Rail, one’end of which is framed into’the beam B/'and the other end
of it in the end rail -fois-mil is nineteen ftet Içhg, nmemdhes hrefad,5 and
%eyin^tó.^ipk j 1 fig edge-ways, and carries the arm ot guide of the Malt wheel.
(SjL L^er,- by whfoh it is difehagged -from the horizontal Crown-facewheei,
and one epd of the ,Cact%ge-rail o f the horizontal ihaft.
O, The Cardie-wheel of „ the ,horizqptal thhaft. 1 this Rail , is ql^ven.
feet and fovgh-inchesJong^e^t „inches ;brqaf ,r„apd itve .inchqs thickMï0:tthé .part
Sphere the fpiadfe „df die fhaft turns, it-i$#eleven inchqs.(tlfisfc, and i§.'bent ^fopt
out of a horizontal pofition.
P, , The -fipittZQntahSh^f|j eleven .'feetr;^.pd .nine inches .long» and , eleven
inches diapeter, tutpyig ondrpn piypts, tvyp.inohe,s, di^tnetery in hrafs pollars, in
the Èeam L and Carriage-rail.
Q, - ^ rxert^djprpwn^whe^; tfireef feetifiÿ.inchearaitd/a^a!^E’.dianaeter, having
fc£(y7,thn^.po^ nnd i|;fxed pn,the„,hpdzpntalfhaft P .with .four awns, and
hâs,infthe.goggs.of the.wheel El,., 4
R, A vertical Crown-wheel, five feeTanf feyen. inches diameter, havjqg
jfixty-four cpggs : rthis wheel- is^|s^d, jon fh^qth^r ,ppd p ffh e hprizontal ftaft,
with fppr ar^|j; ..and .turps the w^llower^Sj^pn.-thp perpepdipwlar fhaft- of the, Mill
for ,grinding tne apples.
S, The