■ ]
C H A P. Vi XV.' I
A ‘Defcription of Mr: Wtca z e rV A P P A R At0£U S ' fm fjhw g \uf@adjs
} ■from the; 'Hot'tdm; of.- the iSea.
' ‘ -A', ■ O I X Hooks, of Callipers^whofe u n d e r s . . f r o m ,
i j ' - t k Centre-pin of ohe FootSixdnches..: feto'me pentre-pin
%ttMr upper ends are two W t fix ipches^^gV their extreme breadth5 fKree inches,
and an inch thick. fefftjhdMft . i . * «1 i A an 1 * *wp»»K
B, B, The two iron Bolts, which pafs through the middle of the under1 part of
the Calliper, are twa-fet ^Gng^Fgmfthe fhqulder of,their headsHandjj an inch, /diameter,
with a feather-key-dt! their tau te^«grid.
Trhe^Centre-b6lt, or bin of-theHCalliper,,two feet long,, and; twdinchesglia-
meter; the middle is flat, -two inches'thick,, and forms .a, portion; ©j^a Gircleio^fotir
inches diameter, with a ho|e through it, an inehrand; one-fourth diameter, d&ffggige
Ithe-fpindle .of,.the Lifting-rod: at each end of .this/Bolt thereJs,.a'lcollet andcfcV
Ithered. Bolt:>Q , y y - ^ ;? «»- fisyit aSsdi : b'- : pm WB hi
D, D, / Two, Bplts, twp feet, longdrom the .{hmulder ofjheig he^ds,waj.d two
inches diameter, with feathered bolts at their1 othemefids^tbefeBdltS^tn^C^tt^
pins for the-upper ends-pf^the Callipers-and3 thei-^iftipg-arms. f-"
£, E, E j - T h e Lifting^arms, two, feeH^^inphesdung)from centre;'to
l centre, .three inches broad, and an,inch thick.. p
3 T -The upper Bolt, on which3 the upper^end^og|l^
twoiron Staples turn this Bolt is- the Varne'.fliape anddjmenfiqn'sj as||;hpcB©l,|jC*;
■ p- ... . The iron Stap^by which‘the Apparatus and"i^c_pptept^ are dmwh
I up from the bottom of the fea thefe; Staples-are feven inches -Idhgl'/rpm^eir
under,ends to their upper, part, whereihe tropes- ljear in li%Jg3lff^i£h6J!|90|?ui-
they are three inches broad, and an inch thick. _
. 8 "The iron Rod, by-which-the Apparatus »Jfe^ownr to .the' Bdffora of
the fea : tliis Rod is five feet .Tong, and an ipeh and one fqtirtj^th’ic^: it pafles
loofely.through the, hole in the middle of the Bolt E,%nd .-is> fixed .with a (gew
and nutmnder the Bolt C ; the upper end of it has a hole through .fatten
the,R«|p.e ^ tp. ’ . - -- : • «14. t- •
I, The. Rope,’ by which the Apparatus is let down. Note, Whileufhe'Apparatus
is- defcending^ .the Rope K rpuff-be, let flack, which admits the 'Calliper
to be open, as is feen in Fig,, i. When it is at th^.bottom,, the'Rope I mu if he
let-flack, and .the Contents^ drawn up,-by the Rope K. .,
K, The, Rope, by .which\ tl$e tApparatus and hs contents are cjrawn up
out,of the fea. See Fig. 2.
This Model i^as. examined ,t>y the Committee of Mechanics^ who were of opi--
nlpu, that the invention, is veijy.fi.mpie in. its conftru diion, and appears very iikely
to anfwer the pufpofe intended; therefore recommended to the Society -to give
■ iWr. • Frazthr a bounty of Tea, Guineas, which, was agreed to by the Society,
Jhfrik, p f 3I776. -
F I N I 8