I Sb; l :
Pearch-bolt to pafs loofely through; the under end of which has. a fcrew and nut
to fecure it from getting out: in the centre of the fidès of the Bolfters are two
mortifes, cut through them» a foot long, .and four inches broad, ito.’ receive the
ends of the Pearch.
P j A portion of a Wheel or Barrel, feven inches diameter, and fix „inches
and a half thick, halved fiito the fore Bolfter three inches and a half from its^
back furface: the upper furface of this'Wheel, and the Bolfter, to which it is
fixed, are parallel to-each other,
F, The Barrel of the hind Bolfter, is one foot ’ feveh inches djadieter
and fix inches and a half thick, and halved into the fore fide of the hind Bolfter
even with its upper.&rface,
G>! A ftrong iron Chain, which paffes tranfyerfely through the mortifes; at
the extremity of the'Parrels, and is fixed to the fore fide of the .fore Bolfter, and
the hind rfide, óf thé hind: Bolfter,. thereby joining them together, and; catifipg the
axles to act in conjiinflion with each other.
H, H, The Pearch-bolts, on which the axles turn, tWo ,Teet long, and
an inch amf a-half thick, the ,under ends of which haveiferews and mjts as aforementioned.
The Pearch, eight feet long, fix inches_broad, and four inches thick i ,
the ends of this Pearch paft through the mortifes in “the Polfters, hav£g“ hc>les
through .them for the Bolts to paft loofely through.
K, K, The . end Ribs -o f the bottom ®f the Waggon, three'feet fix
inchesfong, feven inches and a half broad, and four’ inches.thick: thefe Ribs
are fixed fo the under fidé óf thefióttömj twelve inches “and a half from ’their
ends. _ \n\lf v- ? ‘
L> L> . The crofs Rib, feven feet three inches-long, feven inches broad,
and four thick: thefe Ribs are tenoned into the end Rib, and the bottom of
the Waggon is nailed faff to' them.'
The Thill,^ made the lame as thofe--in common ufe: Note, The
bodjt of the Waggon is ten feet long, and three foet ‘ fix inches wide..
N> Tbfr fid“ of the Waggon,- are ten feet long, and two foet two inrW
O, O, O, O, O, O, O, Seven fide Rails, tenoned into die bottom and the
top Rails, and nailed to the Tides .of the Waggon. Note, Three of thefe Rails
op each. fide,, are fOTtoed liko brack|is, to'fupport the, toji.fiameMjr bows of the
P, P, The top Rails, or Rqws^. ten feet fix inches tong, in the form of
ladders, one foot three inches and-a half broad.
This Mode] wap examined by.^the 'cómmittee of Meckanics, withthree other
claimantej, when thp Committee were of- opinion that this Model was preferable
-fo recommend to the Society to give the Whole of the premium of
Twenty Guineas to. this Candidate; to which refolution the Society agreed, January
| f j Tya. " ' » J ° J
C H A P .