ing hand points to No. i, die aperture-ig .{for difahargrng the wind out óf the
belfcws) us dilated tbits greatéft extent, to givè vent .tei-the wind. When
itïis Ifet tö.-Miqi.- 3, the apertürê; is cólitralSted <to its frasliefl: ■ dimfexifiansj by
which tn(eaisife%be Supper belboHis' 'retains thte -blaft’of wittel which dite feeding
OfVhnte-^^teW;^ «hirówsb iftbo ‘fe^> and, by this-",mean's, ’its "upper board is
gi&ated«fffl. high|8s toJraife dbe-Liftxaj 'Qy' iaffid diet other movemehts ccwmefted
r arid h fa t t e r ©f an
■ Tïöslspifidie ipaffésighrfeugh -thé Jc^öt-ër^öf fthfe dial ptóte M,
having'.tf’dkeaiftg'lr&'nid-ififèa to its Upper %Wd,.-a-ïM' tb- its uhéer end an-hoti-
adfttal crank, whofö fadih|«&aei^pa^t^©£-'an'itfchv'-
1 ‘ ^ m ^ïa^S ^ rm’ ^ tehè{W3 öjtën ahdJ üiut'tlite Aiding
pöve P, ïti dehgthhiss-crrfe'ln^h and‘tiéëfe^gh%-f’fts biti&rie btédifth is a
quarter .o£hn ih c^ and its thkhteefs^tWêhtyi-'fêilfth pd tt'b f tó ftfbh : j f ifol
fore enU o f tWi'Ëé'3dèr,'1st'rivgttM^a¥i 'iroft pin, Whicfy'^adM 'ihtöügh^hfe
I g b k ,' ^nchah^ ^ I ^ Lig^hppj_ i^fofijijUiolÓffi r,ecelve{ tfe'Iron-pin M
vetted to'^ciïlïcjirig -Valve P..1
P, A Sliding 'Valve; which runs m ö’cf4hhët ih the tfp|)fef-hoard bf1 tHB'
caceiVHig.betlovte ;* its dimenfians are one ünch akd‘ aft-’half flf length, ;fevfeg5
■ ^glfths R§|d&h§s: aiidjjOiieriwolftSi. fbf an\itifeli ift AfeMiilsï
This Valve i§ regulated hy the diireftirig hahd of the .fe£uhfof M,sfêftst¥e bottom
of.wh0fo''fpmdle,aref-fixed' the'ciaftk« tod*«aiteG, <as fofohhm&ffeiflg#
: Q, bi&k hisftiing Truhdfe, oqHribii aöa.five-ta^ithsï'lö*^' and a q m t& 'tif
an fi^dh in diamfeter. hThés :Thiprdle if.fcdppfed with h'thiri röufid^fdcè'‘of
weód, Olie inch- and an.hdh'dk‘mete>^iM ote-.eighth of'an inch'thick/' Thhjt
Trundle paflfes through date ,floot, bxteriding'^fbf faf below it; $êio embrace
péd be lifted up by th!e upper-hraardnaf. the receiMrig tefloVs, whfefrïhé walk-
3ng-wheei aeordehtaHy revolves:withr-i!wa' great: a degfee-wof ïVêlbéitpÉh’
N. B. e Thfe trundle, fetch f ffidifig 'Sok, and* all tfe dsttosfï iöó^fetaéttfei
(Doinnefled thereto, are at fall times in ’a< ftafeefof Ve£b, fill' thfe waikiftgfwhcel
(as'lrfbte^mentioned) is by fcéie -accident* violently -agitated a'nd,f Wfréft it
£o happens, the exparfion of the bellows Will be immediately .föTar êxtfericM|
Jtl-tio^lift up the trundle; latch,- '&e.-
•&,; An Iron! Latfehi^ Whofe- Ifeiigth from óf» ifibfiên^b, tö th e
extremity efilts right-angled arM e/is* tWb 'jMh J >?‘ ab# frömr fc,''‘.to '-‘d,' oüê .
feichi ahdfoEK^twèlfth. Its Kei$*--fi»ifcr b,>^| ftbttöë» $&3 £ aM- threat
^ffdigiy-feiUrtfe parts oï am •*&*•,-aBsttfitOBi b, fö'i1BS?fii##föer-f/ ïs fóVen-t'WélfaiS
®f^an mebt hts- bread'tlff is twd twelfths df < an^1 iUch, and' thidkfiefs1 onë-
twdlfth;, : The arts;of the Latdv c, è, Is'^ö^èd' by thetSraödTé 0 , as re^fé*
fenced in; Rg; x, 2, 41 - 1