nave;: the points öf th e S ik e s ' jftè #0 ihâhfèhftoM®eir axtrëmities,
and capped with brafs, to prevent them-from galïÖSgör W«§>fi'Ag;:'-tkh
ftock of Spokes, or wheel without fdKè^ié?^Sffl^®ri!li^l#^ö^reÖSfei^öcé,
and may be eafily rendered portable, by the*®fés;-fPthe ?86gSmtb.
E-, A Line, '%$ € o^/‘a ë^ ffiA ï tóhé $8kè W £He<SifflSpife^ëadfy %nd
gulate their diftance front'ptfint to’ point;
F, E,F,^^F,'FiE, '^‘El^ fföM y^ aJ iS, föflféfteaf't-ö tlîPfpokdS,
to prevent thejtn from wearing,' &£. ' 1
P , p , p , P , D, P i P , P , P , Pv P,. , I
~¥sEa fkF* EfFÿïÿ^s ÇÿF^jÇi -n~ ^^%ç^^SbdÇ?WSçior Ferrils, ;^ropÉ|»|K[,
thn ends pf the fpokcs,
G, A i-nimil Iron Axis, or -Cy%dery with{:â fnirm-Ji|ia or,.
thread, confifting of a certain- numb^ ^OTci^jM||^tiQi>%rfm Its
length (in its full magnitude) ^§two feet 'eight inches and a quaT>tej£{and
feven-twelfths of',an inch in diameter r its' -UtSer' ■ and under •fÉbCaàrijSM^iff’
flat 'tö ’ a's tó form"â:"H®row~fiÔëror margin, f tm 11« en-d-ef- the -ax-k-to the
other- on which is engraved an index, to fhewthfenumber ©f'poK^p'ur-'
longs, and miles, the perambulator hafUiaffed mail j j b l index on olt^lmje óf
the axis fhews the-degrees from the right hand tf^fe-Iefit : iihe defeliy on
the other fidè arfe inærkEd and recieïüëd
the nut H has Eidly performed itsi£e$öogfade,.fnotion, by-palling fÉdmEl^Biæfee
to the. extremity of the axis, and back again, the machine will have measured-
outexa&ly two miles:, the assis ts held, andLtrjfns r;quftd,|in thè handmof ®.e
perfon who ufes it, whilft the wheel rolls on-Êh e-ground.
■ -As the htthibét of reWiiatiOfts which the whfedLtoàkes.' e^<^yiCOTsefp|md
with thfe fptfil;threads êflthte axkmfcïew-rod,the thicker thofe-threads are,
thè larger arid tnorc coftfpfeuou&wifl be tteo d&grees omthqiMndfeKf: : ,
H, Â Bfâfe Nut or female ferew, two inches and an half long, one; iheh
and a quarter broad, and three‘quarters of an inch. thick? ;; i this.- mic hangs like
a igé'ftdhbxttt, I oh 'the axis or ferew^rod- G, but does-, wot turn round! wltfc; it,
being kept in a perpendicular pafition, with its- center of i gravity W ow its
cëh'èèr'tiŸ iWpettfion, gradually adV&néing'ôîreeedâhgoathe axis, and pointing
to the-index marked thereof ; whfeh index: flrèM^é how many resolutions
the'wheel has- made, and thé number- of miles,. fyMonigsy poleS^&Ci it haa pöffed