[ ? ° ] ,
The other improvement is in the double mould-hoard, which, in the original
Plough, ispcrriMnently#ted,to the beam, groUnd^rett, B h u t a n this
the inventor has contrived two moveable blocks of wood, which at pleafure
may be fet higher or lower on'the mould-board, to which they, are fo judi-
eiousfly fhaped and fitted as tp tern and dpliver the earth as it .rifes on the
moukhboard,. (whioh is' an inclined iplane, whofo expaafion encreafes with its
eley^tion) by i^Heh means *he, Plough may in .a few^^utps.b© * t to make
trenches -ofdivers breadthsand depths.
ThiSi Plough the Society porehafed of Ms. Muthj^ft^drfiifuner% t jfy r j |
A S J w ^ r ip tiq v o f a. L A N D - R O L t B R , taken
Seale < f Four Inches ta. a Foot; prfented fo the* Sefiffyfy James£
r p H I S Roller "is divided into three equal pprts, o r Kodffrs,. them
■“■ ..«ightv inches*long, and fix ^hpsgand a quarter ut d^m^er. . Eadtt
Rohen turns on afeparate axis, in two diftind frapps, whicn are formed and
cpnnededhs Uh^er-mentiSSUd; the.fore: frame is onefwt^ faUare, and contains
nrve divifipp. of fbejllpfieps, whpfe axh’tums in, twolernicin^^
mortifed into the under fide of the frame; at^hpfejnner end Uiere is.a le-
mipiropla^ipifce p| wood,, or fway-fifr^.mortifed into -thefipes ^|hjp ;|raiS&.
to which the ^Jiillj or fhafts.jfor the horfe are, fafiened. as( ufual| withan horip
zontai iron boltT ‘The hind frame is“ twtf feet^y one,' from out to out, and
contains 'two dhffibns o f the Roller, which turn in three femicircular chpeks,
mortified into .this ftsme in. the lame manner as the cheeks of .the..Qther, frapie.
T h e twT^-°^iei:® f ont:a^nedin this frame are fixed in aftraiglit line with each
other, learnhgph lht^val of three mchtes between them, apd 5are ‘five mdhes
anh an half from Roller, when they, are'fet truly parallel to
eac^?)the^!‘ ' Tnele frames arid Rollersare'hcUineded By a perpericlicular iron
bolt, which paffes .through thg frames, ,&p. and is the center of the iwaTi-har’s
its Roller, turns, to the right 'or left.
C H # P.
i m 3
H A ,P. Ill;
w 'jl''F jP f'ty* nt (I)E s S l h J o f i f i ^ C U t . T I -
w r y R f '
T H E A^hnffily dlls> Tluldvator* a^rne feet fix meaes'loiig, including the
t twotdetjjdhed icramed thereto, .«md to'which the cafriage-wnfeel is
fattened ; 'tbe^ heel is t\yq reel ten'incfleh in diameter;, aha twbTinches .broad
onmp'^penphen. THis;^ f t n rneh¥fs.held S id qnik&jsd with ttyo forked
handles, ^mortifed, into^he^nd/if ihelS^m. eighteen -inches
a p^ n fh a ljflm ^ u ^ id inO sB u h it^ .n 'fi^ i, nine inches and a ^quarter long,
and f\w t-i^i'^p-pji^rlm m g ap ^«uihi-.crefi op its upper fiTifacef It s «x-
at tfie lieefr^Tlm^n^niehc^^ndfan |jalf; fb^whie^i is. welded a
j.Mi&B^J}4ic-ular mark, eight inchesVand art with an, horizontal arm
ifeyen length, at t^|apie extremity there is a • poLpendiculai- telirrn
(about twoimenes long. '-This^mpff returnlSfinierted. into a nplcm the under
Side of the beam, in^. which tliuc i* air®p?^pos;c^ot channel nit, to leccue
dhe horizontal arm,'i whidi iaplej: an even with the furface of the 'beam, and
fattened thereto with a ftrong-iron ferril-and wedge. '" A t thefbr^rrrds''t)f th'e
two detaphed fhafts or beams, .thprpqare two irop^hwfes qr.'cfcapl^«tp"which-
the horfe is ^ftened.
1 C H A P. I ^ ' ;;
A*-fieri, Ehfittfiiin f Mr, De CHaa'&iitr- »Ifmcost’s D O 0 B L E J© tJ* L T I -
V A T OR, fir losfeitmg the Earth; -md defireyrng. Weeds m tfae'.A#kye bitkvee&
. the Drills...
n p H lS inftrument is ,siti<le..'wit& the fame confttuE*
tion ias the fingfe cultivator; but; the manner of fixing them is very different.
There lhare o f the fingie. cultivator, is fattened to the beam, but the ’
Qiares of. this cultivator are detaclied&om tehd beam, ami fattened to two.
fquare fhafts, framed to the beam with two. flips* or flat pieces of wood, mon-
tifed into the beam, and eacit of the fliaifts. t .Thc two flips are pierced with
holes for .the convpEd^ey Jfflfis fetting the fhafts witla itheir fhares, wider
oridofer $o the beam,, aoqqrding. to the dittance of the two. intervals from
each other,