Reel; and fattened ■ together again ’with four wooded pins, (as-'i-eprefented in
l ig . ,‘jh and. 2.) when the filk is .to be wound off the cocoons.
a .P, The Aki&hbf .the Reel, two feet one inch long, from fhouMeï' to
fhoulder, and three inches fquare at that part where the arms pafs through’
E, A Vertical Pulley, fix inches diameter, -and one .inch and a quarter
thick. . This Pulley is fattened to the inner end of thé axis.1!), and revolves;
with it.c a r ry in g a hand, or line* which is iconneffed^to th1^horizontal
^ S k y .F ..
E, j An Horizontal Pulley, nine inches andean half in diameter, and one
inch and a .-quarter thick. This Pulley rfevolveS.Vrjöund a flat-headed, wood-,
fcrew, three^eighths of an inch thick,fwith 'which it is fattened to the.ffidipg*‘
block H ; the/afb dh which block is’.fbewn i n 2.
"if», fi} Aifla'ding Val^e,*or RugqlahgFy; which a£U aSja,c$raük» and .rut}»fIiin
|fWoigiy)o\cil pittcjj’o^wood,1'fatten'uTto the uppej^furface ©f the,hcqhontal
pulley. S The ■ uföroftthisTlidihg lfeliydfisito>ce|ltenid;5 |e^lhöj;jep, the -radius of
the crank, by fetting the; pin of the Valve farther or hearer to the center of
the horizontal. pulley, by moving., occafionall.y, the pin in the holes of the
iijlpp ef jfurficei ah tb e .valve. :
I* H, A Hiding'-Block, two inches and.fevenr6ighths b^aejj and t\y/3jinches
thick j on-,each fide of .this Block, -thcSe-is a fib ©r Jedg&,ope-fixth ©f an inch
|||||he, ^Ki’eh ruh#m| a‘ groosS^hfer rabbet, in ftaeh ff^Jpfjthe box I, on the
top of the pillar .M, and in thd'fSansi manner- as %he|f ibs df the Hiding valve
G.|/ The] hfè ’ ofr-tbis* Hiding BJock is to-keep ihe ba®d,',Qr lifig||t0 a certain
hpgree of t enfin n, by means> of the wcight-hHflkud pulley K.
I, fJA. Box, ten.'indies long, four'^nchfes1 add a quartferjjbrp^d flncj three
inchds deqip, fuppöf ted on the pillar M. In each fide-erf this Box,, there is
qigrdave foor- the ribs 'of ïtthe Hiding block H, <th thn an, as ( befor^-nien-
^tipjif’d. ,
K, A Weighty abqut feven pounds, (fqfpended to a ,Jjhc and pulley)
more föjnhfsvvaCear ding to the' fflffeioq of the flidi-ng' bloek ,ff, and the tjpek-
nefs of the band, which is kept at a proper degree- .^f.^tenfion^by thj?
* Tv, A Guide-fticki or 'DiTè@1ng!<Röd, with «turb wires rivdtted thereto;
projeffihg1 frkfe lhehfes artd an' half ‘ahehm ' it-^fédeh wire has a fnjall qring^of
hèl& a ^ j éprefented in Fig. i..and 2. * TlVefelt thrcaclfipafling thrdugh thefe
rings, or helixes, are laid obliquely on the bars of the reel, by means of the
progreflive and rcgrelEvc motion of the Guide-llick; at the end óf winch
Sfetick, there is a- hol,c to receive -the ifqn pin in the end of-the1 Hiding
EI M H I J ' M, A