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M A. : P, -a cYtii-:
A Defcripïm ~and Expïan&iôrr o f M r . M e r^ ÿmaJn ’’‘s 'H Y Ö R A U L I ^
À'/Æc-I fjfik ïT :-Wk-
^ éerkeü ive % a & ff§ h e ^lfGP|pf'> tàïeq from « M o S fp fiïê To tf Sçajle f
.thr'ee, Inches to .a Toot.
A, A JSra'all wooden Edifice^ yûth an under and upper flqpr erej&%u5$yer
the wh^pftj'OT ponâ^‘wo^whënceJtnu w ^ r îWô1 Dêraifed.V '
B, The under Fldprj;is. dpeToot fix mêhes fj|uare.
‘C, d; &c. Pour Poils 'çre&èd hnhhe ?r§mV o î^ ^ ü fljd^ ^ S o f. Their
éxtreoee length is fifteen incites and an liait, antf’ohe^cHTquIrre^Sjhn1 1
‘ Ö ,' ^ftè u^erTTôOT, is3 ôf ^ fiu la^ i^iitiennO‘rtaas*tfie'Under‘nb6f. 1 '
E, E» Es E, Four Rails, twelve^hches and ||^epfourtbs, löéjfr,J<A?e ihch
broad*'and half an inch thick.' : -
F, iF* F, •&»•' •:!
an inch broadi and threé.-eijghtbs <$f-a& inch thick* 1 1
H, A Shute*to* convey the wafer from the trough to^thjyplage intended.
I, K,JL,M, . Four’Pair of taper Trunhs»»©? ^dînerén^lHês^ëaÉh 'pair a|fl|
jhadfe to fit önh ifytb' the other. | Thé 'mitfidd Trunks’ àfë -a®!nhdnches 'long*
huTclP dïflferëïTt widths. The Uppef end of thé Trunk I,pl;(wqdaehes and
à quarter fguite ; its uhder énd ii rae ineh and à cjUattèf (mfisae nieafure‘?)f
fHê Trunk it, i? two idche# fqUare at the top, and oneifiéh a t 'tné böttom.
È ‘Éi »he feÖi aM thï^ê. qdaifers fquató ahtfte tbjfij ' and Iftree '^'attèrs 'öf 'ah
iffdh af the höftöta; rM'É'^h&ïöéh and an haîf %t*lh^t'op, and Edf nh'him
at Thu bottom. Thefe Trunks being Stater tight, ‘âre nX'eÜ to' ‘ thb trough
pairing through its bottom, 'add ailh through |he uhder fidbr intd tuW ^âtfer j
the upper edges of the Trunks a ff ix e d even with the edges of thptrotigh ;
at the bottom of each of the outer troughs there ,is. a thin brâfs valve'(See Fig.
2.) which admits the water to rife when the inner Trunks N, N, &c. are lifted
up by the crofs beanftQ.
N, N, N, N, Four Forcers*1, or finall Trunks, of the fame fhape as the
outer trunks ; but their dimenfions are fuch, as to fill up the cavity of their
rófpflétiye .outer trunks/; Thefe inner Trunks, or Forcers, are alfo inade
diÈiÊ&f^Tïj$k's 1 -il. '//e'rTi/'f.ncwtd .
■ B te * 1 M 1