i 5 |
| q , A flat iron Bracë,’whofe under énd is let in$ and rivetted to the {haak
öf the {hare; and *1^: upper end is fattened tö the.' beaih with around-headed
[ manner -as thé iron brace E. .
H, The Coulter, is three feet four inches long .from the point to itsup-
peruend^ o^pfb^digïmihchèsf'löilg in the blade,; and oiie fqot eight inches
in thesmhn'K; -the 'extr effië’bi’éad'th' of the blade is two inches and an half; ■ the
‘ fha^^^wi^ ntthsand»©^® quarter broad, and fevih*eighfsjof. an inch thickj
v Ycr f-five dMgrieS * and-fattened to the beam with
wed'gtj iiit Che, olual manner:
I, J ' ^Tnd1 ndfrBrace,rö^Stayifti& è&ë fóót‘ dkreë-ihckl^llong; add half an
inch diani'eter/i this Brace is hooked through the blade of thé' fhare, ,and
■' ^ffc^fthTOUgh'^hd^üèflh^td^wh^h-ït hs-'f-alteifèd'' with aniron/ këy through a
moiLife, ©r aptitiire in the upper end; o f iP^^'Bracei'
K, 11 ® ndir'Btfnl^or^Ettg^FfcÈniefi’ifedlréiiöidhta the fore .end of the
npamTTOntrraf rotmairaiböltf ,?Mne$MM\^®f‘alfo as an afeis? for the bridle tö
tiwri, ori lchgth-of'it's arms' frafti the bdiih to>' its collihis lone foot ffeveh.
inches, meh$ Oreaden óhe,'ihch^OTdxÉ^'MlfP"’^nd three qüarters • of an, inch
; L, '^vnïTina^irmr Stajild, dhïv^ifflEifö <thecnaeJ'of fthê beam, to which is
- ïareenéd a 'chain, 'with'art flron^j^P fittëÜ* tó tn&! holes- ha the arched head of
‘me Beam; ana!W^ral'£OTmf^hh,bflMe-lftii%pfrSi^er'dög»eë'®f jelev:atioiifor:thè
pufflbfe ï^quijnedï
”iyr> • \Tne~1 'Plqu^lï-Shkfé pfttflmThlf-tólïtttlP'öf .it^! föoMet'ttö its.. Tufting
p oin t,is^™®^^tp.raW’itifcWéclbn]^,'’ïiti*jb$ëadtin- akdgthièfcnefs Stwo inbhes
fquard,^ gradually diaaini®dng, towaïijé^if&hfiolbM whfetfe it is’one inch and an
lif ff broad’;* J^ridfh'néleipl£hii&f hn irithf-thite^'ihöludihg the obieaft-platé,.' or
co^^^fenee xrhri D',‘ Wèltiëd 'tnëfetö.'
, N$k,~ iV «cui-vcd Irofi, ‘Plate, or Shettlp t#o - feet- ten inches lohgj eight
dhihefcand thr-ëe- ^uartet^prdad'st?!^ d^për'*-end, I^LdfOpj: inches and threè
quarters at the under endf:, .blis „‘Pla'Éë* ör^Sheath is ^Mnt.|in fuch_ a,manner as
tqtembrabe artdl, fit ‘Cbé^fnoweable ffiqji'ld-b©ard, in all thedinèjent degrees of
it^êlfevat-ion bfe» is tö» re©ëive^ah#dire,<Sfc thé eatth*a».it rii^s to wards, the
mould-board, and prevent it from falling back intqthe drain, or on,, the under
part oi-'the fixed mould-boardtheiiupd61^)er^d .of-', tjhe- She.&th.is lqofely fixed
with, an iron pinirivetted* to the fhare ; in the upper end^^ere is a fmaujnole
which5 mfetcheSi with thes -rank pf^holeain, the moveable mould-board'; and
when thesplough fhakes the fi.rftcut,-«the Sheath^ faftened thereto with.-the
rqunlt» flat-hëaded hölt Q,-. which, palling through, the- .hole, No< i , ‘ in. the
rank of hsiesy is fattened. thereto with.' tK©|pin R ; when ,the plough is tó
make additional cuts-* the bolt and pir^ape. to bje-.t^ken out,.,and the moveable
mould-board fhifted -and 'fixed to the fecqndjhple;,, and.fb on to. the third, rScc.
according to fcbë different 4hbs it.fe.to make., ^
O, • tA An^Jtron Pin ^nWhapè fijpnewhat like the letter T). This pin bears
Oh thé directing Plate and moves eaflly up and down in the aperture, or
! C . long