e m I
e h A ' p. . ix.
A Defcripim and:- Explanation of Mr. pHiifa'A^S- C oo'ke’ s new conflruffed
j., Sfirizly fiwer..
P I G, i.
A jhart ^ Yt&s)x of rJ^e Aiigef . t.
Ay ^ 6 ' H jp, "Meardgof, the A^ger, do which thfitp, |s a rpynd hole, one inch
X mid -a, quarter , thamelpf, Jp, -receive the drift or wooden handle
which tu-r-ny thetqqger. ,t
B, , ■ 'Tjf^- ShamJc .of isheyAugBr, is fix inches,and ai^half, long, and five-
ejghths of an inch Graare at its. upper end, having its e4gfs or angular points
fallen ofife. If
C, Aft endltefs So-rewj with a. double- yj/prm'ot • thread a quarter,- pf aa
in^h -thick, aficffiat oi^tl^ijr edgesm, tfipfe -^pEnys.pnf* tw®|fpir,al chips'yrhich
pafe .through-the two cancawe fpiraT channe l s the anger, andfaro gradually
therefrom without drawingj ojut the auger tifl.it has bored. a hole,
p S l three 'fdS dfeepy or' ^ y oitheE^BejMftre'quired.^j
P , The Point of therAug^t%j?: a .taper fcrew with a double warm like a
^hp-blst, which pierces the wood tssuch ealler and truer than <eo mmon^augers,
a.nd. rggiiir-f s no Jacking w-ith a gOi^ge,, which in th e.u^dFjn;e^hpd ^a^Ton-»
'"Sw&Wk ^^tatjon attended with..*» gi^it^dgaL^f., trouble and- la£s§ p£ time.
It has- been ‘proved by repeated experiments, that this mfimimjsnt-.does not
wan® to be ^rawn oup*af the wood,-to difcharge* the chipy which.- |s aljp thy
laflour and lofs'pf-time ins-boring with a common «agd^ a*
the sLeemnsfiatedf chip in its:;c,avity muft he taken- out every four or five inches
of wood bared -therewith.
vi Aftrial <jf®his new^eonfirii&ed: miger was-.made.rn hr, oak, beach,-ana
mahoganyprefence of-.^ie Committee pfiA^banics,,. w^o, was oftopinion
that it efihUually anfvyered the;p;qfppfe of difchargingyhe chip d*iringt(the
pjijte of botxhglrt&st; if, Works .more ftyelyy ,4kwithdftiy|ti mote eajGly-.thaijt
common aiders o f^ n %me bor^^id^|t^ife s to |^ ^Q O i,& f great^* in
fiiiprhpildim dec. >, It was' therefore qpfolyecL to ih^^p ety.
to give. a.hounty. of thirty guineas to Mr: Cooke* for his invention, h|WviBg
the inftramentwith'the So'cietyfor tfee.ufe Qf-theipuhlic; to whfch'ithpgo-
ciety agreed, May 1, 1770*!’
G H,'A P.