. Z, 1 The BteaS&w^b^arA^qfe^Gop^'fefte'nedJtd $kfef^ddfvith^ilifc'kr of
1 th e ratchct-whecl X, at th e end of th e cloth-beam Mi ' '
hfay' - fSle ’.under R>ail,'KJ* thddLoohi, «iesstwo^Seet ®ine*ii?<|hes
■4$oiig,’ (.(^ImrCe of its tenon.'i ton Tranches broad-,'and bwoSgS^d|^mfek'.r .1
*$- "»ijThtef"bwb*l^ck'&KtTflShof-'irai'e’.j-loom} afgu?ei£eh.fhreeTedt^t^5®ehes!'
andfhTee ‘^nart&rs||llpgp|;threfe'f in&htes andaai$i&a3firot§S8:d£ ^cftKjdso'fie-inch $nd
F®@0^.(^-£ffi|GESyt})k^ 5' .
" ( j,cj* i 1T 1 lfr'. *fe ?ijjr-Mfr-^»Mlh'est fare^eich two 'feet fiveai®cbck dof-fgff^nc^i ch
broUd'Sat fheft; "b'a^k iOrt^^^r^idftd&i'-fiVeS^iglStm ©£va<hitihennbrball at xtueir
_vpoint^^&B«re a5nds, ^ind^half' a!h ^
-1Jidy l^lfefeW-afh^r&Kf^dFS^n^F^it’h s-W^fldt'-fhaws^krHPratehet-^he,^^
“ The* uppef thd^ram^is. rtw613fee't - hmte3l§dbes
o f » i n c h e s <a'hd* a'n %alf Brd^,?<%rad5Wonn®nes
thick ; the up'per-'end of th’is^Rail'is-fixed'bfie^i®K^a-n'd an' hal'fiSM^h'e^fttem
^the-foi^aft-beam, apt^- n me. jatiyfr- dfrow,ytjio< of the yar n-roller, $&:
f, ,'$jf h.e Spindle of the Y arnd>.e\rh,i0 E^Mmlee('p^'®i'!
N .B . If.there was a~mffier-fqtthe^w&b^^^b&ar.sonyiriftead^fthis.rail, there
wonld be miit h lei tf. fri&ion .to-the. yarn, - than there is ,
figij§<t rffl:'1 ,By the-a^licafabn- o f this ^bqaringjram^.p] ;-rolhr, .the fobo\yirig
ad vu il^es^ a iJ e =ob l ai h ed,jx i z. „
I. ThpRit^is raifed to ^proper jh(^^£t|tl^ls.cep th’tWwpper ih^l^^.jot\bbIpirt s-,
fome-what flacker than'tth&'undee^.by|#Meh Meansfit^lpaJBs^ better, than
fi wjaei^&dlfliades'are both (^ai^ec|aaTtenlMhi:^#
II. JBy raifing the web behind th^ham'eflr, the'-jn f>khjt^ h reacls aue-rroch
.tcafluf- come’ %, than ■ vp'fieil the^eb i§|le|je'l with them call-heme
III. By-?fixiflg the. .Yarn-beam un^er^thtg^Bearlng.^rail, Qfty RoTh-it tlm«vofo is
- Htrall tahes-^ept exaftiy in the fatofe p'ofllion Jphut hciwthe .wcbj(ifs„in.the
' ufual way).-is workeMkbifefrom the IS arn-b eam.S f e ^ ei'g-ht. ... i>meKfiati nn..a.rut
diftant from the bread-beam, varying jateyeryv^evo^tignl^^heiltarn-
4 ... beam, or Koliee ,^
iVMElije generality£of looms-Tor^weaving 'plaih|XWbollen>iclQth',-)|Bave |heir
Yarn-beaifts, „or Rollers, fixed fa near to’the 'harnefs-,ntlptfc^f notwithf£|nd-
ing the flexibdity ' pf woolleitey'aipti’, the' threads' -ofthe webrard fr4<|hedjEly
VfBfpken in opening the fhade wide enough fot-'the Ihuttle’to .pafs .through ;
and, as they dften break oh 'the Yarn-beam, 'thew^eafrerdsf-obliged, when
f 'i t j o happens; .td,7go'0tft'in f his loom'-td^toe1 the'broken pieces of yarn, which
ate commonly ve^difficuhf to be fotmd, 'efpecially when 'theCweb^is^"bardly
rolled up round’ the- ®eam;.ij