-[[ ^ ]
• B, B, & G . HoëkSj ' wMïiiieod.'S 'fitted t’ó tfeëfft,- iabodt twöfeet iii length,
tb:hê fitted' to thé limës, at 'thè d'iftatooé o f 'afeöuttw©' feet froïn ëac-h other.
* Mg|SSB®wi Anehör-s With 'Wböüën-St'e'ëfes, weighing ‘aböüt eight -pötmds
each : there ïs one of thefe to the end of every thré'e liftes •} -t-h’© tiiïeshre ié
bê ^aadg^ft t^ifhSffttnSss AifdhbivdJ
3ï4>,.I1 ’A Bttey-Rop^teóï^adh'^.öchöi’f %hêut fifty fethoms ih lé%gÉh. !-Oné
end nf sfehii aftélc^-aatd'thjé othér tend
;feahê-;hö©yh; '■
■ <sv3f' . A Ught'’ fieat Buoy,1 with a?Sta$ that!-gÖes 'thfough!f e ^Phis Staif
ïS ;Sh'c^ tfwély@ ifeëf locMg; • fwbhhkds é>f wMéh>^tfe^i£S^é/the hédd 'öf 'thé
BxsifydbJOli 5hfö4aêh ;öt-TOp.® £lhid0éif ftag;
tile -faëtfc' of tewMini^Wyi ^i^hifid^hG§l®3 ’, ob! :bthërWrlfe$ *ïb Ifr tö Admirtgui{h
thb'firft ftefoy from the' feÜort’dp dië tfeb&^oM-thë'foMtby'^F:
■ Sferf-M- - *An Iroh Strap, fixM^è thé-bóttéin öPmè bdby^fihfiF; havjtóg<an[ii-bfl
|^ iy è l% i^ h ,^ llgM n g f8hh^'%‘^^far •él^itlp(Mittds,":#htóh'-fet‘vieè nofc'önïy
*Vo take thè k'i^Üs a f e lafi>thët^?lf'-f^pfe, hut -shcF&s^-a Mkrtëë Wkefepfht
#ioyMfta1F upright, bfti as ë' btetó^tb'fhrl' h y ^ëfb^ïuh^' tobüöy-, óf toi'fave
sthë IShëë‘ift cafe 3>f A & h^SkiS^^TH
"/ G, ' ' *A Tr'ay, -isifede toifsthöh ëïhhrèe rpiartrtrs -öf- ahr$ftëft dë&l, wMfiittift
’^hMgS t^ Mép'lt'thgétiifep.-' ït-fhöukl'hö &bb^g?ftfer:¥eètuféVëfi inches^lbngj
^nd ofte èt -IÜn^{4nyfe 'wMe^^th --yw é lfe f f i i f e 1®ve■' öiëhea-.^hgh,
©fid 'the likei5trJ<iiife!of: thé- êïfe'; ;;blvi&#S'b9®: : ^ fh ë ; böftórn-to pdt
Hifcks frfeèelve the hbftfo for'lhë motje *eady b ïtó ig Wëtav rf%is'Xray.
ï%sÏJrtfed tte boil thelÉfét ‘Wftërt ihfelfe^'dSè^jaSa^^hïèh^y i?hfe ffi|eahs
■ ^re !pétóy:fh¥-i^rifiiö.glWheto-the,'linëtf'S?e-rfe0''bé é$ i
r H, H, Hook-fficks^ pbintèd«? at the güös' tö ftick into thè holes in the
«höttötö bf the ttay, ' and eïift kt thë^thht-^ndi ito' teefeive 'thë hobksy which
Wbé'ftikëh* éffdf#^ :ttft@é'to'b'e'ba4tl€ï J'ThiS pre^eöti thé'lïüe feoth
is^idgling. ........R‘ ' ~ ■ . • -
ï , ^ i c f e f ha&et fe t 'Jéhiiig 'thè liiits ih■ When thèy aite
;%ahling irihhe-flfliF ' ' - .
- - K, A Small Graplhfg,' with '#‘ doifhlé JroW'hFHöi^ arms, With' which
'kgach^veffel 'is 'tb be furnhhed,. to’ ptefP ft^’ ’taEifeir lïtfeé tó ëafé -of thë?r
' 1tÈ¥*$lèi$oïi ^tÈé f I
■ -’rÉhe veftel ftretches on tinder art eaiy Ml with thè tide; hut handing ahoüt
' four or five Jppirttst athwart K —i f f^ e ^ n d - dexfious hand atfertds at the
f e n , fertd receives' the büöy tcfesfhd anchor with the lines fixed'to them:
which faftdf %é Vëérü -away frë’ffi'^hè fray hfohghthy the .firft man; whbfe
f f i j fines