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and ^ M an^ 5v i ^ f ^ y rfi«vdtoql B EE-HIV E,' piefenhd to'the
Society by S it C h a r ia s W h i t w o r i h , one o f the Societys; worthy V ice P ref dents. !
a ^ U m ^ P o f^ p Pillar,
,-i'A5 A tg|^gr,o^un^^|^^depth,: fufficitent-
. to fhpport md fecure the hives; from-., being {hocked or overturned.
by ftormy w;ind?%,:&'c; its uppe r end is about two- feet from the ground,;
and properly fbaped, to' fuftain a large -fquareToa-rd,. whereon. the «hiveStVfire
' B, A Piece o f .Board,- and two inches th ic k ; i n
tb e middle o f this Board the re is a fquare h o le ,. or . mortife, in to which
th e head o f the poll A is in fl||e ^ ;' arid well fattened I i t l u edges, nails,
or wood-fcrews: by this method o f fixing..'the floor, the bees. are. much
b e tte r fecured from mice, ..and other Vermin, th an when they are placed
on a frame, - or: h and, with four legs, <5ce. ’
C, An ^ Odtagon Bee-Box\ one fo o t: two inches in diameter, and ten
inches high, with glafs windows and vt idow-fhutters, which mar be oe-
calionally opened, as rcprefented in this Box, where th e fhutiors. are.."taken
off to lee * h e v S f ^ k i a& a f the bees j e,''T> ’ placed 1 on the ^-floor JB,
and is properly luted thereto, leaving ’fh ^ fie rtt' room fpr a ‘ landing-place
for t h e . bees on the. front or fore edge .of the floor. On th e ' top o f .'the
Box there is .a fquare liole, covered with, the Aiding valve, o f -.vifopdei ru t-
ter, four inches brfe|flfj which is dccafionally drawn out to make' \X av Tor
the-bees tq go up into the ftraw hive, when, for want nf5if®om, .dhey are
about to fwarm, and fly off, which by this - contrivance is entirely prevented,
and the lives o f the bees preferred.
1 D, „ A Straw Hive, fomevvhat flatter, on the top' thang common' ftraw hives,
where th e r e . -is alfo a hole covered with a Aiding;-.yalvte, which opens accord“
municatioii .between th e , flraW and the .glafs h iv e ,; for the purpofedbefore men-
; B, ■ A Glafs Hive, e ight inches in d iam e te r a t the bafe, and ten inche
and4 an h a lf high, with a brafs handle flxeft ibm «-its apex.
S ' % ‘ F, A