[ 47 0'
HP* • 4^. x ne ocaies or
JWfcès a tem è d ^ th e^ i ft l 'anfl'âiihafîdsito the movéable bottom R
SêrëWs; 'five Inches and an half
pàfs through théîdrb and
H E Ë 1 bo“ om' ©FtMggoMàVéffél ; * th r e a d s ôf the ScreVs"are let in evén
K r l^ a n ^ t to « ^ é à *i^^bel6>fuftain thé
' «idveàblé btttfôfâ, ' bf 4 iprelViti>qby~whiclf means thé
:'^rncps, 6cc. arc fliced few 'ny dcgiceot ihiéMêfà■ marked1 on the féales.
W B I W l i B "K n iV e s^ feh ty inches long, and two
l^ ic ié s o f àn> inch thick 5 their outer
K ? é - ‘itspp'plàÊl^ce, and.fattened thereto
^îtly.lbong-ltet-hcadcd wood-fae\\ ^ e t y e e ^ thé: if act plate M, and the
Jttlut non ring N ; *t<; P1! ^ V b u jig iirfe^ gn ed with ffcréys to its fupporter
Z - ^ . F i g .V '-Thé k-îSye|^§fetlin1 n oblique direction to the
B f 1- peiP t :ofÿhe-..%^1dle.; then p ^ f& V b c m g one inch and’ one-eighth
^ r ê f rO W 5ffiand fthèh^uteb;e«dséat^ighfiangle^w5th qThdfpindles.-__ N B
- ^ He ’ûn* > W | « f k n ÿ v è « a & ÎJ&lled^ofîl like ^carpenter’s^ ehiffeL but ’
/ * eir upper â'âësbâ®® plain, ifmod^^nditr^^le^izo^tal. :
111 f e ^ n d û m e quarter of
?an inch' tMck^t^ith a') roündl iiblùdin_jtv3)'$|^^ to iéafs '
g r o u g h f. this'iplatèis fafbnëdVfi4&f|^^^^ Z, ■ asrbefore-
N, uA^lafrLton Ring^en in4lés«>im,di^terr and.-fôfte'inch’ and three
«Mèirs^rbad *n*hfr plafeür pieirced'VitheighV&lés,dVhVh'match with the
1| e Plate M> the H H H knives,, between ?
.Which m Ring and plate th e -k n ÿ^ é ;fa fq n ^ O w ith% fe> s , 'as. before-
inèntibriëd. wÊ
O , !A ri Iron: Spindle; three feefo^fhuKrtehesddrig^kf5upper-end is round1
ff6m fhfe-top d ow n ed ’fhe‘*|)I<ite' Z ',t ajhd.ffom^fch.ent&toVhblVttom • i t i s one
-indh and i qtiattenfquare ;.to w hich.fquarep.ad are Voided fo urVVfsarm s pierfced
With holes fo r WoOd-fcreWs 4o»fatt'en'the' fpindle to^tRe- groundsills;',; th e under
e n d 'o f th e Spindle p a ffin ^ t fiW g 'h S th e^ e n te r o f them. Se»Vbjg%' Plate 3.
T h e r e are a^o four o ther^|dls arms weIdeS||o the. Spindle,- irndfaftened w ith
wbbd-fcrews! tb 'th e u p p e ffid e s ofnheimiddl&'fiays.Fj F-.: .r tflteF ig. 4.
P, ''-'The rhoveable Bottom, ®sithr£e feet tenjnches/iitfdiameter, and two
iflfcheS and a ^ f t e r (thi'Gb:athis-'B(ld,f or B^ttqmpis faftairiedsby.W winged
hilts, K, K,"K, K, under itbe kirb GjU By; thefe” winged* nuts" and fcrews the
moveabie Bottom maybe f^ eW te d o f, depreflfed, as to-Hide, the'Whips
-any. thicknefs, from t-wov inched to\onfc-eigBth of ah, Mch!
Inf this; moVeable Bottom;1 there are - eight apertures for the fliced turneps to
pafs through ;i* th-de |peituresfa^nomcftt down'perpendicularly, but Slanting