V b l.it xxrv, jp.foi
M E C H A N I G S.
A port Account ofjueh Miffs, Models^ iind other Machines in
the Society's RepoJitory, as are not yht delineated: •
A iKp]jf$ipiiqiiyb f Mr.'
CT P- v JU
'•Goifi; iERi’ s vW I N B-M I L L for draining Ferny
Land with foud ' Bwop-vobeels. ||
t P L 'A; T - %
j A\ Per/peBipe- KiWH) of the ,M x l L,.
r | A PI g .principal Polls of the under A, A, A, &c. _ _ ......................... part of the Mill :
thefe Softs aire eyentTyfonrfeet lcmg, and one-^foot
. |h$ee inGhfs fqpare:. !fc,n
B, B, jjEhe under. Side-fa%, fixteeri feet long from Ihouldgr
.tafhoulder.,of [their tenons; ..one foot thteerjfochgs hroad^.ai^d one foot .thick :
U&fenRails *re framed intp the principal Pp|ts tA> A , ,two; feet^ejgljt inche,s .above
their under ends. Note, only one of the Rails"" Istfeen.; in th^s vje\j|.
^ C,[|C^,&„v^ e ^ i i 41§ Side-tap^ - on ^inphjthe^^ter .mTOts^gfothe S^oop-
j^heel^ftiafts ^reft : thefe R^i|s a re^ i^ ’n rjgt dejen Inches ,lqng/fro^ ^fooplder
|m'fhoplder of/thefr..t®pns^^^Q0t three i^hes broad* ^ d o® fobt^on^iitph
"thick, framed into, the Polls, A, A, &p. eighty f^ J tfoee inchePabove (th,e<upper
hdes -of the Rails B, BV Note, only one, of "them kTeen in^tffl^view. . ^
?r D, D, &c. ■ Tfre .middfet P o% of toe^frdes: thefe Polls „are eight feetyfour
inches long .from fhoulderVJ.to fhpulder of their,-tenons, andf.pne i foot three inches
I \ H m l...Wm I m 1 S ilS i