C ]
■ '€ H i A s . RH X
DefcrfyiidH i f JAM r fchi£e ^ew^conflraEted JL R G H> to prevent t&e fa td
Cmfequence of Firhi
P L A T E I. F I G . i .
A Sebhon of a R oom, fifteen -feet %ure, cnthlffaiigfi tie id id ^ lo filew the
thidinfefi -of tfeb Ar&I,' rfie fize o f ^he Butment> Gburfe, wand Ithe iroii CSxnn
t1»* •***» the Butmgrtt Gourfe together, to abate the lateral pmfluro Qf t&
r r 'K £ Centre, to which «ray joint in..t%'Arph tends': thi
JL Center 4s. two fee;, below the, baferoent.
B, r^ie Bafepienti .
^ilP3 ^ The ButmentrCourle,^rpije feet fijc inches abovetjie Bale line.'
The iron .GSfh^ lefjin flufh with the ttpper fijffhce of ^he ‘Buf-
ment Courle to bind them"toghtho-, ‘whbrety fiielalt:efalhpreirure is gre&tly Ih l-
£gg§ ^ C|amp > four inches and a half bro^d, ,aod HMMHMHMBHI
Thc Arch, whole, curve is. formed from the" centre A.
m im 1i j ^^ers, from which" the under'curves oF^b ‘^rft ancF the
Butment Cburies are formietL", ’ " " . --■ ■ t
’F L A *t E h UK F I G. : * y '
G, The Butmenf Co.Hrfe.
D, ' Tfie iron 'Clan^p.
L>- The Arch.
G , The Center, fb ''which every joint in tKe' fide tends, to refifi the latenfl
prcilpre.,.., M ' ..._. to i-
This; Model. wasr examined % the joint" Committees of Police Arts dhrMe-
W & ik whp were, q f opmtoh; thit the con ft^ d h ‘ of the ftvbrgf barfe; and tbe
particular form of tfie angle' Hones and joints infhis. Arch,' appears new:,and'ingenious,
and conlrfb'ufes 'greafl/to- take off the'Mferal' prefiure. again# "the fide
Wall®. ' . 01 ti-xp Lns. j-::
Refolved to recommend to the Society ip'give; the GoldMecjai it'd Ahv Arrow
tor ms commnmcatin^'t&is7ARCH'to the Public1. ?;T
This Refolution of the Committee w^s confirmed By the; Society, ’O'frti 'er u
1772. , m n»«-ova4';>*#fu:;Wsaotrf' sis/PTrgift ■ HSHg Kg
C H A P.