iaches-aadr an half, - and- ofte -rncfr thick', gradually dhniftiftiing towards its
dhr^°dhe“€ i^ t¥ :6f;%n;ihchJ%Mek j it# back end is.
laibhed td'fhehsMM1^ 9tfP ^WtHfeJbBftI€id:-;#edge t i f : aftd the fore end,
AWthc Aank 'o|«t4&&%re> as (before-mentioned.
Bolts aniJWedg€^r with'which the ground-felts
a*$fhahk^e>#; t h e t a the htftdlfes, !&b.:
5g.<a^ Shaskattf this Share, is ?tWb;jfefet t-h#ee- Inches Jong, mea*.
fiiwng from &s baofc-eftd thfth&fere« eftd e f the' ftaple.
'•Trid^'’; ABeihafik (the fhare to receive the
•under end of the fheat B, to which the forebhds of the ground-reft is fattened,
as'^rfefentedrn Figy I$§fS®
F I G TJ-R j§
. 1 Vft, ■ A P1,gn pfi j fad. : the
fhare of the 'fere plough is one »foot five incjjdf lopg, and/evp;} inches broad.
K d L ; | ' The. :GrQi^d,-xe^..;!j.§' thjxte^l1 d^hgs.: Jong». -.a$d feven Inches'
L I.,, rft* ,,,(£&& vBpJ<$.'¥14 -$§!• gj&f
{b;;nTcs o£ -|the Jf{-
S ^d,. • - Thp Sh^fth of . this- $h?rg^d^gqi inphsEjffld. an half long, from the
fore end of the ft^ple to, the , fl^nl^.,.
T tft, q^faftened. and
through whiph^thp^w^t^gf^ ifj h l.^le^toi;
This Plough, and Mr. Ducket’s three-furrow Plough, Were tried on ^ piftce
ground-of Arbuthnot’s, &t io;pre$^c9 of thf Comipi^tee
of | Ag rirphnre, yid, feyeral pthen gentlernen. ^vhprwe^^of. ojhuien fh&t the
f In v entord e f e ry in g of .a ploughs, to which
the SopigtF agreed*; £g> 'hf^rnf)
C H A P . ;4 f|, ...
^.iQefcription ,gf Mr* -Wille^ D R I L L - P L O U G H . j
Pf a^’:E; t. Pjo.ii. iPjLCtypp. •
A, A, A, r "§-' I IR E R iGarriagc Wheels, tjgo hp|ft; tTppf inches diameter;
X the hind. Wheels, are fitted to an iron aHA, onceinch,
fquare, with.fcrew.s,, nuts, .holes, and pins,, at *P Let th$ Wheels
wider or clofer together.
B, A