t f 3
fitted for that purpofe, and hung to the round^rt of the.ax^.thetatms of
tixe harrow, thus cQnne^ted to .the axis, are one fq.pt.pine Roches jqqg,. ,ap inch
and an half broad, jmd onfi inch thick. ^
C H A P. Xllï.
j4 Jhbt^HejbrifRoh Jofiz M O D E L MA CH ‘fN ’lS fèr'd$mbing %j> streef hj)
** 'th e R o o ts ; up'refenh3>W, mh * 'Sicietfby * i * Ro‘ö'dïïï>:& tfrffîip vS ks, s
f I ’'H I S Machine éonfitts'of tlfrö flandard polls,' éach' t-hrfe'èuhehëS"f(|ifaïe’j
with an interval of thxëë- inches heïwëe5h them - 'the.'po'fts are fattened
together at top and botkom‘byTwo-cröfs':p iê è ë s th e 1pïnhfafe^®tfe incht^and' a
quarter diameter, and the holes One inch and andhalf in diameter; t5fef<Jbtrof
the flahdard mutt be retted on fome flat piece of wood, or ftone,_anci abutted
with hakes or little piles, driven into the ground. The decortfl^art .of ,the
machine is- a ram, 'made of ëlm, or apy ofehen-fbEaight grained-,wondpi
liable É É ^ g l bend, gaBe^vay. "The hiacf,®f the ramgifcasmed.with a
ftrong pmpjiof iron divided into three Joints, in ArfleEtohite again-ft-'t-fa tree:
the ftandard of the tarn is" eight inches1! ^ Êsfwhen Yqi^reÊ^'Md divided
into tW 'légS, f/dxfl thé bottom Up to'^he fifft'* frbrt
there is a pulley of four inches thick; and nine .inches in diameter";,-the-reft-of
the aperture;' from die firft to the fecoAd^la^p^jl^ted^hè jbfAed'agpf l y
a wedge,L fb that the remainder ó f ‘the ram is fcrïidi "tÈiS* ramj^ffe'ltspq-l-W
isf luftairied with a chain about ten ‘fé^^ohgV^t&^iihks! of whioli fare fout:
Inches arid ten-twelfths of art inch * m jengtl? ^t^s Waih* p a f l i n die
legs of the ram," isf faftened by ortq'em to the, ^%Jp^^KuandardMpoii, ■ the
Other, part'of the "chain pafles under the pulley., and its (Sher Ixtorntyter-f
mm?®s;ln a link .wlih two handles, to which ihe nooÉis Taftellüf*' .^rougli
the fub'ftance' of'each'of the legs’ ofthé ram, thpre are twb iron bands, winch
with an iron rótter paffing'thrpügK their':Óthq^ MreMÊies, éÖt^a§ Me two
ttandard pófts in fuch a manner,. tïiaï_ while *’
its bafe is fecured froth flying away from the Aboard. ~
’T lie third part is the crook, the wHole oFwliich,1wfth^its1 arm ‘ ancTlittle
"atch^'is made o f ,iron ;* the arm above ;tKe crook is two inches thick, grar
dually diininifhing towards the arch, whicliis put a quarter of an inch thick •
'handle of the leVer is bound with rings” forked near the'crook, ?ind
d^ided by a giooVe pierced with holes,’’ in order'to flop the hole with iron
gegs, as óécafloni requires. Srkor eight menjan manage this machine with
great p f£ j? J r t e ^ mové 'the lever piniL three; to the fever,' and three priour
to work a wi'ndlafs, with a rope'fattened to the top p f the tree to (Jireét its fall.
r 1 3
c h a p. ‘ r.
A L I S T o f th e sJS fob U m on 'a n d G e n tlem e n ;i w h o f o r th e ir e m in e n t S e rv ic e s ■ h ave
• - been p re fe n te d w ith thet S o cie ty’s G o ld M e d a l. .
H P O the- l^te Right’ Hon. Jacob Lord Vifcounf Folkttone,
^ Prefident of the’Spciety fori Arts, Manufacture, 8cc‘.
To the Right Hon. Robert Lord Romney, Yice-Prelident, now
-f, Prefident,’ - . (a T
T o’-Sir’Charies 'VV’hitwqrth;' V. P. - v
TnEdwapd Hooper, Efq; y . P. - - ^ u > >
To"‘the lath Oeorge^Eejge^faU,. Efq; , ^fc|P. ^ - t -
TEo,William Fitzherhert, Efq; V. P.
To Henry Ba|qr,;Efq.£,, p - ,->r
Tcb.Cha^lgsil^ew'art,'Efq^ithh' j ’!t->ci'bn->'Vbi- ' j * s
‘To Mh William»’Shipley; ; r - - . ' - , - (* ‘
a gold medal.
a gdld,niedaL
a gold medal,
a gold medal,
a gold- medal.
,a gold medal,
a gold medal,
a gold medal,
a gold medal.
A L I S T o f.th e * A u th o rs w h o h a ve obtained- H o n o ra ry P re m iu m s f o r T re a tife s on
'the C u ltu re 1 o f’(W m .a t , Barley. jjLfiOERN-.' Turme'^S^ W 'c. •
j r p O Sir Dighy{Legard, o f‘.‘iOftitpn, ^Yorkffire^Bart.
I E f&r anwatc'bunrl^fhe’ moft f rbfitatiy manner of
^'cultivating" Barley, - - : ‘r * - - a gold medal,
To^the Rev. Mr. Lowther, Reriofi, 6f^Aitken,t5hehr 'Cariifle,
^%umberlarid, for ah aedbunt o f the'moft profitable method of
§lfeftiv laringKWheat, ' - - - a gold medal.
I . Y H H [ \ To