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P L f T È IL,r ïr I ,G.£ i.
« ^fyeh^'iïCfranks, Liften,- &c.
I H H S H É i i É i l É vitch faftened t0 the fame fliaft
,'ascne wafcer-wheefr^fë'rigïiTr*
, C,; . |5j*fe ,p^ lërfr^%yJ>;Bvith torent.y "four trundles, J,
K I), D, D, *• Tflre^feaff^^S
r ^ S u E,S ’ tc ^ otLj H B S B t S & the ihree l i l i $ which
"w e mof ?on to„ the’ Ia \ ” fi^mcs3»
i-ilJfat.E’ E’ I h;on axis'’are Three grooved
i ^ ïhr<;P iron pmions b, b/jb? The pinion* are three-
# ?f^ i9cV in M M |f W êigift^eth. jMBBBj tlmfffpimons
g^ e rm oü fg^ -Sie H carruigediai] iès^ m ^gtsd^Jlj "brings
tfefofor-ward R e S T ' See F 6
■ m ! | |
H, H,- H, Thïee jjj^^raMes^^c.
a> 3j , The Bar-rels^er j j - ^ o t
W B Ê Threi ^ 0nf i ^ ® £ ^ é'i?xi^ f i ? ' ‘Ka^chet-whéels; and
,'grooved w h e e ls .!^ehjdefcrfpferf-^f-'H/F^llj.
W ¥ 'W ^ levers pafs, as' before-1
P L A V T II. ^
''AferjpeaweTiewitf vnA / V S a ^ F A s , add Hoóks, 'conmaed\
^Jbfh?tM&^S^^aand;Lidmn. I %
| fe F’ • TFe Ra^het-wheel, w ith ^ b a iré l a,-pinion b^&c. ^ ^ f t defcrip-
tiibn of F, in Figój, dgt^ail^nMp ^ y - j
G, A Leveff With" its 'lfoo^ jihofe-'irfe/is, enupierated in thfr defcription
*of G, Fig. i. L ... ■'■■■ ' . . .................. r
H , ' "A Saw-frame, matted i, .wherein 'are two faws, with4their ftretchers
and wedg<$.’ See defofiptión o f H; Figi i.
. P L A * t É ’ ‘l ï . F I G.' 7.
A Le^eaiv^Viewto f^ n e^ a e ,S a së .f with jtss§ fetchers and Wedges, :