. ff * U
T, Tlf®>Wii*llcdtj that «fupports 'the back end of the Sliding-fhdft §.
i:.U, ■ ‘d^ke^oti Arhip^r golfed, -that ifupportsi the back end of the Axis C5>.
'the"^orm, of fpiralScrew.
Y, The iron Brace, .that ftrengthens the Comby whofe under erid, bearing
fgainft the fore end Drift a, brings .forward the Sliding-bar and Slidingb'oard,
|(5§ci •
Pla, £ '1 he foie end o f - d e f e r i b e d -in Plate: a j
" b, i >T be|SHiiiiflg^ btfird I*» t>
c, c , ' j The the .Trough.
$ d, The
%-re} av The con'cpnM^mimi
; h," J; J- he^ Sicvsfcjtid
j i, TJTiL.n\ood fnme,> thabTiqlds theSi^Cdji -
k, k, , 'd he 'Bracket^," by whph plfcFrame,&n(TSietie aref dftuaied. .
rw^l,» T‘T'«ne' hlqi\diol£sj or Spindlfes, on. which the^Bracketslturni
ifrfii,' til,!"' i .^The’hind ?
Him, The tmd'er"efofs Rail thd hind LegS-'-'1
to p - 'R a# « -
;^P> fe liFj^’l o i f t i ! a t the, right lidelof the Trough. |
£>•-qj sj Thd;fofi^%,‘''’afe' th&*]efffidetaf'the^Tidjj’gh.
r, / ' Theiunddf 'Crbfs-iRaihbt'TbeTbreTJegs. - .
f> !*5:‘Xhc’upper crofs RaiTpfvthe< fore Leg'sv ^
^ t, t,___Tfce fide. Rails,..which brace th^ifore and hind Legs together.
A Plan oftjbe M A ^ f^ A s ...
C, The axis of the Knife.|j|umblers, ^ g p | , &c.,
D, The F%.
j r E, 'The Winch. '
^ Ej The Letter,■ or Dri% by which th ie v e ; is piit in~motidn.
I, . The under Lever, which is ;aauatt#b^theN Tumbler H.
i JC, „■ Th*^ugpfRod, by which the LevetTj-cand/the,Lever. L, are conne<3ed,
; L, The- upper Levey. - ,it
Os The iron. Brace.', Note, only part of k can be Teen, being under the
P, The Pfeflec^bdardi ^
Q, The Guide-board. „ i
j-8, The hori^ohSil* ,S]|ding~fhdft. w
T , i'The iroh.Bolt^' that fapports th]fe back end of th& Shding-fhaft.
U. , The iron Arm’,'dr« dollar, that fuppoEfs the back Spindle of the iron
Axis C.
W, ‘ The iron Racks.
X, The Worm, or Ipiral Screw.'