m .18 I ■
2 « » t axl#tre*'
let faj ai^Ja^eaed tbeam? ke to g Ä b w f c m mM lSm e fe M&se& « e h e i ;
- fevem iiidbes broad, and thisee»eli€ä«id ^M &A is fc igio -saix^ Lns .äsiktn
d d Twovcanca\ e lion %d|&es> J # ened
*ehdis 5 chefe wedges Me' occsfimally Ortde ..ufet-ofttaifixtbe hebn tqiüuäron
3 $■ & & A l * ä mdgner its; m thcqwotte pMrighitaor tfasigrdiiad.
ig j j ft. ^ flat curved :‘Raä; .eighteen incites long, fiveJodbe& broad Andstae
miMb}aas&tik9» quarters o f ait inch Ä d b :vat :eachÄi'.MxMik Motbe^ris
a mortife to rtedive the ftiles g, g, and in A e to kM b o f M theceisd^oundhole
Jojkty kbii rod fito pafs foeety through. .. ' ini,
f A'sound i& 'R o d , ,t§joädi^l*fevcn inches long,< and-oOe iiriöhrdiaffiSourved
püipaÄd a »©undäiron^ p le
HHH| Two "Stiles, two feet long, three indies bfoad, an,dtKr^ t]tCatters
ftock-oftthe odrräge,
and their upper ends into the B
& Ä 6 ? thdfe' Stiles are.piereedlthrough withu][hian^(M¥o ree^veWo
iron pins, which &ppqS"tfc; moveable- tail, and ref|}ag^bhe-ldepth -gföthe
Tbir#w. ~ ■■'■:' d?fjs . . . . , ... -
\ The mofeable Iron Plat* #■ Raimis M m m e h iä ^ M i
three inches broad,- and a quarter of an dfleh, thick :^at e a^ en d o f .»isolate
there is an aperture which embraces_ the Stiles &■ gi^o w I sM d * fixed' with
^e^wh%OhJjffiii?ÄÄfe^öntiööed.v.-- -'.-HE 1 - ; r . ■■ . ' ^
i sSM öJb^ ® ^ or Irorr Frame, 'is thirteen4n«htes.k>ngr one-mfch and to
through the ftockC, and are fattened thereto with ty o iron pins or wedges.
11M k T^ o Iron Links, dr icings,- to which the -cattle' a¥eM&red when
theniough is fet'towork. 1 ... , - " ; , ",
E 1 gjp I \ #ddrS-#öoden Walkers, four-irtdies'-m'diameter, tod three quarters’
of to inch thick; thefe Wafhers arefrtted loofely on’ theiroh axle-tree, and
fervd to fet the wheels k t k'greater orfefe diftanee from each other % taking
o# dr;iadding to number of Walhers on the-axle-tree. •
ih The Tugg-cliMn; % linked td the hind Iheat G, and to a ftrongirbh
ftaple fattened ttrthte ftbck of the carriage.
g F I G U R E II.
I 2d, The Share, is “ one foot fix inches long, and feyen inches and an
half broad.': gH w „ ' ,, . .
The Ground-reft 1 is fattened to (T) the iron ftaple, welded to the
fhank of the lhare: its extreme length is two feet five inches;; its breadth