t 'l-o 6' ]
M, A Pillar, 'tea mbhesVlong, f(fft<rfudifkgifé^‘plinth) and three inches
diameter, mortifed into the rail N, diftant'nifcié inches from itéf fóre énd ,g<
N, The-baCk .Rail of the Frame: its extreme .length,isi-fix feet' t©ec
inches ahd an half," fdu-r'inches 'broaden'd threeilncMes: thick,jj :
Oi The fofti Rail, is; of the faWe: diihenfions"as the rail,Ni"
P, The Front-poll, is 'ö'fie fotit'ToürSffichés long'from llh'eifkd'nld’erp^Sfce
tenon,-three inches,broad, ands’6tib*Meh-aiad an half thick : through’ ’the-feekd
of this! PóJTis pierced - an" oval -hole, '-parallel with the uppertfufifece%fhil£e
fliding'vape, ^qrrqgulajor ,G. ■,
Q, s The -ba'ck Poft,fi^rone foot fix-** irfcheg^ long’ from; th»d ihSuPdeclp
the' 'tênorl,-! three--. inches 'ind^an^httf ’broad,- and öhcdinc'h^-aqd ~a ^i5art¥r
thick., On the upper óf this Poftv there® tafj&WV'hr "Spél-tur-ei,' tótreöeive
|||i^ 'fpindle offthe axis D,- to which fpiri&l'e thed pulley ÈTs ‘fëftöH'ed.' vuth-ah-
iróri pin, which" paffes through tthfe tipper fend'df *fthe.vP®ft5 >tohHèé|>. the,axis
frorif rifhïg óuf^of its place.
R - ' :-A Poft "bF the - fame^dameftfmtó^andVf&rPithè --/amelpurpore as#0hte;
Póft -
sj Sv 31 Fóüf Trafiforris,’ êach 'one fQöt'^<mnö^in.chib'|nffjtfereeoqiia.rt-
ters long, from Shoulder to ïh b u ld è fand'of the fambsbreadth - and it-hickrrefsi
as-the1 tV6;rad's ft, O, i’ntd’-whidh they'aré'wh&ftiöï^^
T , T , T, T , ’ “ Four Standards, or tKe'ErÖme'; > -e’acfr pme^otitéisrr
iht'Kffi king, lour inclu s broad, and thiec J'hit-k-r'fo-sv , un
V, - The Stoye,J or :Krfe-plaCe^dsythrd^l;£eêt long,- 'twbïfeéti’-h^e 'tnóh^-sf'
and an'half thick, andr'^^föót t'erF inches high! ,
. W An ovak^Ctepper “P&n, one Toot -qighte mx^fiSiTlohg^troh^ftfoot'^faub
inches and an half broad, and half an inch -dpepi fThis-Parr isdc-ëpt/du^5j|êd'
cyith water fcaldjng hot, if'thteM^óaal arei^etylhard ; -but, if thqygaresfiiift,
a lefs degfèe of heat will bè fufficientffqpïth’ereocöófrs'.tiênbe'-'immlërgedvdh,^
whilftthe filk -is' winding therefrom..
X, An IronJ Plate, £wo?feet two-inches Tortg^me*iirch£and an ,lfalf
broad, and one-eighth of an ip'ch thick; perfo'ratèd with hcdesTor. tHe' ftlktio-
tiffs' th r o u g h a t ‘ éach *end of this Iron Plate, jthèrèlis; adhank-,t(which^isi
driven into thé two fore ends of the rails- N, O. 1
Y, An iron Funnel, / toió^ry JofFtfhe jfi^qke/
■ "Zfi;-' A Winch, with whichjthé.'rqel is turnedr* it^.r^itis;}!? fiv& inches-.,..
| .F, I G.
F, The Horizontal Pulley, drawn to a" large fcale to make it the moré
G, The Aiding Valve, or Regulator.
II, The