t 9 3
P i G/ 4*
. M, £ Thd Enmon-roilerj ^WSts, Axis*, ,r *
N, '^Tnegpiece| qfflronAin^wJhrch ^the Axis of-the Fri&ion-roller- tutt&
;Q, §The$Clamp, to which ■ the piece of Iron and its Spindle N are welded.- -
, F j j x ' H H f l
L, «^He^orizohfaT Arm o^cte ’lappedGlatnp,
P, IfPfa#' p^rpendiSiilai^Arhit^oP'the ‘ upper Glampfnb#
'Mt 'Pit# ^pjnd^ wwp mauare foptAweldeci'oti'thb upper Atria 6f the Clanip; -
1 '-’'T-his'-Fxeld-'gate'was reiki? ed'the^Gotiiinittee ofY*Agriculture).>whbirefolded
tfiSfc it was- defervlif^''ai,Bou!at^!-gf^teK- Pounds. ' Jraivi'HfehlRefblufion the Society
agreed, April J*, -■ ^766^ ^
G H A P. IV.
A BerffieSifoe View j Mr,. TiW“ln.n : B ^ker’s ^ G-A R I F I G A T O ll.
A) ^ | A H E Beam-, whofeifcxtffeme length;is - four \feetyand, ten ingheg* its’-
I breadth three’jinhhes, and, twcrinches-and-. fivt@j ^girths, thick, m
B, ~A Bblfter, o r > tB r a c e ^ a ^ d j l a h half, lt>Qg,ij an d »a, half
btoad| and two rushes' and; a'half .»thicki;,faftenedcto.1 t^fe“®^11,-^threei inches*and
;Sghalf from pEs‘ back end) with two ‘Cheeks1.-;and- ..ar;iF^uid^g that,j is- driven;
throwgbfithe Ghedkffi^fwl ike Beam. '
•gjJSE, C, The Wo Hdrt#l|s)3tf®UK fe'etu-Bng)^twtr.inehfesnblba.d,S1and,-<an|!in(:li‘
andra half thick at’-thiiJ'ithderJjeMsLi? they a!re fattened?? ti^th^iMes^^ the Bearn,
eleven’ fegnes diftan't’ fSom its backend*? and? to'ihe->Bblder'{wkh' wooden Trundles;^
there are ajfo^tw o 'I Handles,, an inthjV diameter)/imertpd into the Handles
b’ffiindntKes -Bblfter. i |£
- D, j The- hind Coulter, two feet and* three 'ihchfes-- Ich^o t^wb inches and, a
hair broad in the Bhid#, air ffi#h('and ’’ondifotr-fh :brhad; in the Shank, and 'five
eighths of an inch thick in the Shatdc;' this'-,Coulter is mortifed into the Beam
one'foot and one inch' fromMst back end, '
-E, E, Two Cheeks, 4©r Wings, two feet a'ncpfiy# irrshes'. long, five inches
and three fourths broad at their fo&lbiijih, ail infch andia.yhaJfat their back ends,
aha fnree -inches thick; they ‘Are /«fftened to-tke fides“ of the Beam with two
ftrong iron bolts,’ fcrews, and nuts,-!; „»•
F, F, TVo Coulter? 5 theTame fize as the Coulter D, inferred into the Chfceks
two feet from the bidb.endj of the Beam,,.and two inchesj'from the fides
of the Beam to the infide of the fhanks of the Coulttersi)
Vol. II. ; • . .1 D G, G, Two