k> " The the dimeter,
and oneiiich and,, a quarter on' its4 periphery, '
l, • The Wheel* at theleft hdie pf th^jca®riage, rn eighteen afaohes in clifefejL'er.
. m,,m, Tw©; Iron Singh three paches and an half diameter-;/thefe rings are
oceafionalfy IhifLed from one noteh of'tbh’ hridle to the other.
n, A Qham^.-^/hich, ferves to keep the cordage ,’at fight angles;.- with theprfpts
of'jtihe'lJjareh and xsdulter-s£' one end of'thjs'ehSan-'isi linked'* tb an iron feok,sfehd
fafte^d-wkh asfeefeahd'^Hbto fhebgam;-the'other.; end -to-iahaok;, faftened in
the fame manner^yth^end of thfetaMentree.
§ g m H u r ; jg | H
, > A {geometrical "Flan o fjgp^.ShI rIIIK
H‘,‘ 1 ' The Grbund-refti °'JSeS dSBffipt f<f?r i .
I, The Bolts'aiiHlWe<iges^ir^ 4!l'^ j,)' niJ> ;-
K , The Plough-lhafei 1U
L, J The Shdiik^Bf th| Shafe/
M, ' {r a StaplfeK-&elded:tb:fhe dr%e''wha^,y "
. .The Society -ga&e Mr. Ducket.^ho th i^of- 5 cd. fofffthi§' and v,hte; TcrleldfL,
fidttgh,1 i^ecem&dr £3, tf&yB' 1
E jri0:n
A DfycriptM ’of. M r ifefrCMfc'ET*» T R E N G T ïP& ’é - -Ptö-'Ö* G*H.
Fig. I. A jrexffiefflinie Vityu*êf Yhè* P im f , 11.-P3
1 .A f ^ T 'H E h®s® ;h ,:& Ê fèétteleiiSm aiches fee- id^è^Uttd'^ÊWaff
X broad, and three inches and an- half'thiêk-tt the’ taM-eatf; "‘fhè-'üpp'cr
add un<téh*ideS‘ of the Beam a^'rpl'ated^.^ithIirbn f#&mv-d^"GoidtfSr to* thfe^t&SrS^J
- -By- -Thé hinttfki&tf is fwent^thfeétiöÉ»hê§ ®öngj Jfii*é^QfeéS’bfb^,4 ahd o^ ^ êh
Add a-n hälfe thick p m tapped end;;Js-.idfertëd idtd>ïffi;e^ahii ■fêrpdfekëls'li¥£n fhè
fhoulder ef -ita tenon,. ideöéing tö fhe 'horiiöh fifty'degree^/ ’ ‘
The Sharé-btac^'ïnd 'Héokj’'#i'flf1it%rn,ut ^dd'fttèWP S$j
D, AAn Irön Bolt, éf'Bradëj 'tó fteadji ffiediihd IhdatA1'-1
yTh^ fiind feoyiter is three^reért%d|i fKrfe 3ftéhteS! BfÖady ’kdd'fcBte«i<|HaAèfs of
an inch thiék brf the"baëki 'ëd^dmcÈni8^TÓ'fhë!'h^ifen1fe'i^-êightvJegfeë^ Jps
back M^ls^twbdéettk^^iddKëiTróiii jthe ffeinlldëS <klt5ie<heiti®ri,, idfertècfmtê €hê
left hand of the ?ploügh>