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/I Geometrical Eléêatioh * o f ilie' ‘Frofit^Hhë13j -o o M.
A A, A , A , four- MgsVf'-the eba«*, or feat, two of which
1 -4dgsJare fattened to the upper -edge’of the under rail
L, in the front of the loom, 1 ^ 4 ’ « f ‘ >'l70 r-
■ B, A ,found-headed'.|<rt>n- Rod, whiehU-pSfd} through - the legs of.?the
chair, and is faftened^ereW with an Iron wedgef^r key, driven through an
hperture> Sli?fekfe!fead ó f -the rod.
. Three Wóóden,€ylind§ps<, -with ah®k in feaeh ©f them for the
|rhn rod tQ-pafs through: fchèirufels tö'keép the'treadles at:& proper fdiMnce
-from each other.'
. • I>, Hi '! Ttè&ïtól éach' th¥fee fèê£&1& lifêh abd an
half broad, ‘and ónfe hath and a 'qharter’thick at-then center eMs} and óne inch
ih^iamétóMFtKeh'pomts;- “Thefe- TreMl^flSo$è 4k?! ati !óhli|ii&r dire&iöï),
their center, end's being two hsdsteéhfnd an hah di&ant frbip each 'ottert? and
their points, or inndr ends,- fix Mekes-C^d®* meafurdpi ftodi e&h other.
The iroii ifcnPB.paffes ioefisly thrèügh the center or. fwre ehd& ®f thé treaties,
and is the fulcrum 6n which'-they shove/ *
!>,*£ E/*"* "The under Jiidfcs-,-are- éaêff'ïhreé 5'hithes ’S)i%(U h e -ftïfch and a
g a r te r ’broad, and threp quarters,®^ an ihqh -thick*' jg%iï- üppfer-feuds’ turn
ohJan ‘i/on^Sh;' With which th e y aré'hènhe'ét’éd fbtk‘e-urtderkMs.'
F F The Skippers," hrfe each Eleven -«ach bróad, and
three-eighths’ of 'aPinch thick. Thëfe SÜ#ere ttft ^è&nfeftéd td the treadles,
lams, ahytSirneffee, with -y oodén 'jjablk andkèré^'1 a^fkpt^ented in %’ig .i,
‘&ci <ic\ ' , ' ' ' - " ' * * j R
' G' 6VG, G, TM-hpjbek Jack-vëre'icOTne^édt^fheilafMIfhar'Heffis/&e.
as bèfore-rnentioned | but,f$iefe a r e h n l^ ^ l# th^mjeen in this ^viêw df
the loorh, -the-other heling%éhmd'^th'ê fbiddle^jadfö'' o-- ^ ^
H, H The two front P o f 1 of the loom,’ &e t™ fikt nine mches'dad
hft half long,' ?ékdüfivè ef'their 'têrfó^’flhrëS -hashes'and ‘an half feoad, ;rand
ySnb 'itich‘ tufd! ffifee quartWs jöïfefe.1 a ' / , . ' ; " '1
ï , I, T hé Swords SFt^Safc&ftyare 'èaebftKr^^é'eêy inches aMkfa
hkif lodg,s (ffbm out "to’ dfct) -darde imchès and. ?h half hrjBad, dnd-lhrée quarters
plf\n- infclHMck; and,"'"Ss *èie£r fukréö, « r ‘gëkter of-Nation, ls ,f,fixed at
, the