L/der/end of W fJfcs a folti«n™[ f^liu^;.'*and_ its upper part f l a fcone/td a&
}t aga'i^ttnB'e under1 e | g e > J p . ^
?>Gj * An ifiurthflj longs feVeii eighths of ad
ArA. is rivetted1 tp the
Kund&£id c f !& 1C jn-fluflj,1 with 'plunder end of the
1' ^ Jq °^ a iid ^ a ^ as th% papt F is-t6 the edge of it.
■;»■. .1 /1C w eight yof’t^dQo^r^ hijpporfp^. ^ this
Rollert Its extreffle^thicknefs" half
an.inch.- ^
!' F I G . f,^ ; 5
A Viem&fi the vbom?keEnd '.eft the, ",
Ej |[$jkc Cc%^^^W?ph^h#ingeiuKiis.vi« v
• ^The'-.und^ri-part t^^h;||plfi^e,.' ti&^fisl fixed Itctehe^tdge of the
r door, with the ^mj^K^JJiirt^ to* vjjSph- thle Efi’ddEfa-rhllerl^ceajri^cSed. -
1 fe ? hefe.o’h Arn3, 'th'ajt tbe&wfeigh't! of'the’^to!^^
tr»L . Fridion-rdllejr.,’i:<
I, Anr iron 'Rim, Iwhith-carriei'tHe« butep/fpindie^^^hc>‘Fjiictifen-rdl]p&,H,
it, is fattened againft the bottom part of the Hing^fe' w^huvaotferews, \
\%tF I
M M d Plml\ '-onlwhc‘h [ijJ E ^ # d 'fe | r^ R ^
'pajfes^f^op'en^pW^hW tttei Door. >
go^rplfer reft^WBen thB dd|gs ffip la n d when it ij opCtfit refts m t h e% j&
part L, a’t ffie^top o f the indmed^laft^^
L, A fmall Ht'ftje^clp ;of. thjr inclined Bdane', 'for the Fnc^!'*"
W b K I ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ B h open : this'Plate is letlmto' .the Door-
fill fluffi jvitn .ip^upper
Th'dComiiittee'' e x am iii^fhcB^ and^ere
df opihloh1 that' the B H Q R 1 ingchibu^ and IlL Pliiigls ^ t® c o ‘nt}r|ed
than any jin.prefgnt ufe.,,^
R “ e(^ ‘^^ommerid I
he leaving tjie pattern procjucfuly W h&oTji t h eW i f t f l PdBlic? E
'“ .This Refbluffo^ ujas agreed-tq \yf 'S ffichbtz& tf;zaj|V
, VoL. II. ' ^ * X C H A P.