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Xr, Twö ftrong ,SëSewsy :'w*ïih flat femicireüfef ; Meads, which ferve
^ca^j0aaEy''iS faihSii’ the-lfev-è/s- fco'the-b'racé, or'to lcrófèri thciü thferèfhom
whea thedfvers gxe.to be lifted- up èu&of the wSy, when thre^ichiöe is not
imrhediately | l S : thi» is^dwne by turnin||the heads of the Screws acfpfs
the apertu*<fe,f whehthcyifrV- tb h'edffitteneM -to« the braèe g' and parallel with
the -aperture when -they kre t^be't-ateh op.
tëijigll Y; Y, | ■ Four Wood-Screws, ‘ór* Hooks, fix inches kia.{|,; and half ah
mchithict*. their ule-tis toi fatteflMie mac’l&&ito the floor, in thé feme manner
as the two. lêyers W,.W, are fattened to thefeBojfe ''brace V.
Z ^feèeVof' Iron, three inches in diameter, welded to the
fixed feipdle-jQ;,I iÊÈ^MÊ, Iron fuppprts; the ptefce M»to which it is fattened
wi^i four iron fyrews. a §0,4 ,4. , 1
^mis Machine* wag invented'by Mr*■ £dgtfk‘for which he obtained a premium
: Ulieï® are fome itnprcwementa made togif b-y Mr: ffiillianV-'Jdfyileyi for which
3 bounty aMehoguineas,jj March- r iy ty6y. I
' ’rN»'IV Tw© men?can Work thia,Machine-withstfo,muG^Jêk^ and fadity,
asrfto fliee twelve bulhels of turnips 'innfi'eethMnutses -f Which ^operation it did
perform in Wefence. of the (Dommitte®'off Agriculture'kt'ithe‘time abovementioned*.'
- u f q i A Jk-. ’& M f f l n r
j'^efcrlphoi anTE^Umtion i & ’a 'ApPARATU Sjor
' ^taking ifou^ofjie ground'fd\ts 'fyjn^^j^attured, ^
Fig, x. A fierJbeffiiveVtewofthe ^PfyRA'rtJ^' _
A, A Wooden Stage, of Floor, onwhrchhfe a fufficieiit number of
jy\_ hurdles, two of thf eh’abreaft.
B, "Ac Tilt; which fe-f'hcGafipnaffy* draWn over the madder to keep it
dry. C, C, C, C, G,'G, e, C, A Rank of _ GrddVeS, ' en^^rofs ' the upper
fefffece of the ^floor ; therd^rodtfdk fiefve. to fegufate tfifej B B
the hufdles, and^ prevent their feet of under ends from hiding fro’m their
pikees. ,
D, D, Two Slips ofWaodffaflenedto.tMe floor;tb prevent the hufdies
from Aiding off the fide of ‘ fhe'-ft%dJ, "and to regulate the placing them in
proper Order.
O E, E,