I *8J] '
• ’mottifed ^rato tKe frind.1 two foef fohrtfr^h'qgïand* one frkirthdhagh from, their
"Under ends to its upper'-'forfsiee.-1-'
‘ P> 'A The Trough? is fattened. thereto! witfh
a boit, «fètew, and-nut?, and t-östhé- Fence-hoard with a ftrong wood-fere w. “
, fb fore Leg, at. the two feeüten;inches
long, three inches broad, and tWoithiüky£}a
r J ??? 5 The under crö£iRhil,:®r Trace, of the'1 foie* Legs, tWq foetiTwo 'inches
and a half long from fhqüïdej "o Ihoulder of its tenons, three "Inches aijd^aohalf
thread, and one inph'-und a halfehick..*! Seë Plate 2.
■ s,' - - The. upper crofs Rail of-the-, fore Legs, one|jfqpt£. eight, inches' long
from ihoulSerïtó fhouider bfits tenoip, threeninches apdr.thpee! fourth^, broad, and
• an sinch .’and a i half. thick,: this Rail is'mortijfed c into the fore Legs tw^o^fettnfiur*
“ hiches'and one fourth high from-their^nder ends,, an^ ^ p p c i^ jfi^ t^ gn^ m l i
tithe-fore end of tlfe-Trough fc^ars : ,^ {his-Rail the^enCjgbp^rd is^lijb fixed0with
-ftrong: woo^forow^&it
fj t,ai.wi The two ,ikle Rails, fivp)£^etr ,thre^_ inches »J®ng4 from ^houlder rto
t fooulderoftheir tenons,flthrge ine^s bj&ad, amhltwóincl^s thick^ftelk 'Rails arq
-«nortifed into the fore and hind Legs, frxJnjAegdiigh, from tKpir »under ,^nds, r
v ,.U i' Ï A fide .Board,, or Brac^j three» fa n ning ^inche^ long r:~-its, ey trêm p breadth
-eight inches, -and, onetinch thick : rthe5%e^end is. »fisted to ..the
back fide, of the Fence-board, and its back end is ferewed to the bottom of the
Trough. See Plate 3.
A Berff'eBrpe View o f the M a c h in e from the Back End. \
P .L ; A ;T .p II.
: jT§e> irqp, Axis>.
F, The Drift, or^Eever.
;i;.5ïCèf> .^be^ianguly Tumbler.
^ The Tpt^blé^ with two Arms,Jbyf w^ucjoËS Lever T is Jjftek*!tthe
Arms pf;fhis Tucoble^fripin point to point, ire frx inches in&'a^flf the Arms are
three fourths qf an inch broad, and three eighths of an ineji thick', arid" are fixed
on the Axis C, between,i|he triangular Tumbler ,<| ! and thë^éncf^böitè'd. *
I, - The under,Leyer. .
K, The iron Rod, which connects the under Lever I td theupp|r Lever
L, The upper Levér! 5
-M, The iron Lifting-rod,’ •b/’tyhich the PrefTer and ^ead-weight are-actuated.
.N, . The Preffer-fratiie.,
R , , The Lead-weight, by which, the ftraw is preffed, while' thé knife is;
cutting ijt: ,
S, The horizontal Sliding-fhaft, to which the Rack is fixed,
T, , The