A Defcriftton^ef Mr. Ê harles L lo yd ' s H^A N D -M I L L fo t
ï r grinding Cortt* .
P L A T E r.
A PerfpeSHve View of the M I L L.
. A, A, f | 'H E tïröuüdfëls, onj which *tfee Kliir ftands öthefe,, Sills are
JL .three .feet Ithfèe inches long,,. three dnehes and aThalf bróad,
and tw© "inches three fourths .thick.
B, B, &c. ^dhêpcair upright:Pofts, four feet long ;froï^-fhouldgr ftt? ftroul-
der of their teno||', and two inches three., fourths fquartQ: -thefê Pofts^qre^rajned
into th r ills A,jajid the fide Rails C.';
C, C, The fide Rails, two Peet ^t^nchgs long, and.twfQ inches ~and three
fourths fquare, framed. on the. Pqfts 'Ai • •
; D, P j The fore .and hind Top^ijis, qde~footKfixc .inches and aJjt|li|lpng
from ftioulder to flioulder of their tenons, .four 'inches, and a &balf broad, and" an
rinch and one twelfth thick : thefe Rails are, framed antp,,th^uppei!|.e|adsof the
Polls B, and :Rails 3
E, ^ i .c:'-T%;fore ;aad lurid fid d le Rails,[ one foot’lfi^ing.hesaand a hajf
long frpm Ihouider to fliquldet^of their tgnons, and two.inphes^and,. a Pdlf jn^are,
framed info thePófts/B, two feet.four inches above the upper furface ©fitjhe Silfe A.
F, F, Iphg^middïe fide. Rails, thé;jÊïpe„]Length, bneadth, an.d%|hipkn®M
the Rails 'E, framed* into the Pöfts B, tWo- feet one ingh and - a half above»'the
upper purface:of the'Gqnindlels. 1
' G, G , \ Two crofs Rails, two fqe^long, .three - inchest broad^-rana* l'tWo
inctó Tthick'r thefe iRails arê halvedy'-and^ nailed 6a^hêj,upp.e©-furfkcpiogjthefSÉs
A, and'dole to the Pofts B. .
H, H, Sec. Four , Brackets, -fixed- to ithe' under^énds 'ó f the Pofts B, a B
Sills A.
I, I, Two Winches, who&fadius is .ogie. foot two inches. ■
rr K , r - rThe Axis o f the. Grov^n^wheel jMH this Axis i§ one foot fix inches long,
" two "idches and'a half Iquare where the Crown-wheel L. is 'fixed 'on i t ;" all |hp
other paff d f it is oótangular: this Axis turns on tfao won Spindles, an infch
fquare, working in- brafs fockets.
L, ; The Otown-wheel, which gives motion to the ujpper ftone »this Wheel
is one -foot ten inches diameter, having forty cogs.
• M, A Poft, fix inches long, three inches broad, and twb inches.- and
a half thick, framed, on .the middle of the upper furface of the Rail B, having a
mortife through it two inches long, and an inch broad.
N, An iron Wafliee, two inches and a half fquare, and three ^ghfhs
of an 'inch thick, having a hole through the middle an inch diameter for the
iron fcrew-bolt to O pals through it.
O -An