A D ‘fcnfitiomof the Rev. jldr..HE-;wB«?ls* H O H 0-E, 'jbr dêjp> oying^fFeèds
' and Ant-hills, anà^alfo jÿfa cùûing Tprf.
j'rfjÿp®. i. A^erfpeSlive^Vieis)'' of<ffe~ Hoe..®*11
j A j HP HtEnFrafiie of the Hoe, confuting of two -ground-refts^ two fills,KtWo
trartfoms, Hwo polls.r aièïofPrâil and twof handles. ^
•B, B, TwQr"Sil'ls, two, feet Tçïïr ‘ihchéà long, three 'Hnphes- àndJ liyc-ri|mili5
broad, arid ontegihfclfand thffee’quarters'tmcK?
) C, Gp Two Tr-anfomss'nineteendribjfes'fong, (dhfide'hieaMreyim^ijfed^Slough
the fills : th'è foré1 Trànfom ds’threé inches' ind three eighths brohd1, arnd uvôfinpffës
fbiekr^fehe hind TranfoiiHs' tvro inches'hhB é quarter 'broad, * hfid two Æp fies thick,
diftant from each otlser-le^eir ihéhès-an#thrteè eighths.
D, D, Two Polls,-two fpet- fitfee .inehes-Jong^fwo'menés ahd*aril_liaÎPpMad,
and two-inches and a quarter thick s thé' under-1 ends1 o f thefe ‘PMs are’ moififed
into the fills B, B, and their upper ends-are hafvednn^-xM handles- G,‘ G‘. -
E, E, - TheTion&dfes*0pr T^êtfejmLof the'Share1 K, are ônÇ'f^rîli ôfran bjeh
thick, fixteen. inches lohg1, Three^inchfe-anci1 thrfeè ■ qüèftels broad at* tneir'fore ends,
and two-iflshës Broad-ât their 'Back ends-; 'thefe fidefhr'e/t’drned up" âr^ht^àngles,
with the face of tHe* Afire, and are’ fâftenéd Witlr two ^wooüYcrcwÿ through eaph
fide to tK é^ ëQ îgfaündirîMf:F;> F r ;;
F, F, ''•Thec tWO' curved Gto’ündLrellsj are fourteen îoenés-and' an naif long,
(from pint to poin^teiffficnhYa'dd‘ ant"haTr‘Broad’, qndoqe inch and^vef?-.ei&hths
thick ,•‘ their under Cdges aré Ihod with iron, to prevent"the’ ■ jyood1 from*wearing:
on the outfide'of eaaT'df thefe Ground-refts" there âre'two plates 6Tiibh/witnvhoJes
to receive two fiior'tfiron bolts'," with ferews and nuts, "wmcaTerve pet anon ally Çfo
fét âie fhàfe mofe'ôr Iefs 'into the ground,, ana ‘to a oroperf degree a£ mclihatlon
for thé^u^offi infendh*!
G, G, :'T iie Handles, are moftifed'.into the ends offfiiaims, and’ halved to me
péfts D; D, â^befofé-mëfitiOheal1 their extreme léngths'âre four feet nine inches;
their breadths at their under ends are two inches and t fijree,,quarter^ ; aiicr their
thicknefs one inch and an half
I H, H, H, Three Coultçrs ; tw,o of them pafs through the .fills and groynd-
rells, the other through the.tranfom C, and the fiiare K, to which its point qt under
end is rivetted four inches and an half from its cutting edge : tlxe two fideGoul-
ters are one foot ten inches long, two inches’ and an half broad, and three quarters
of an inch thick, on their back edges, inclining to file horizon ’fifty-two degrees :
the ifiidSle Coulterqpaffes through an aperture in an iron plate, failed to the ppper
■ B