tbrte -quartets foööï the fhonlder to- the&befiin$. ...ipcliftiqgrtófithe J^rpoh fo g y
M p t f l
-H, '"•'■ ’fh e BeafflEpnft,,.i3? , three ifeeti tw o inchesand an’ hatf u ^ |y,^t
inches and three quarters broad, "and three p^ch^s land a quarter thick ■ its
tinder end is mórtifed int<S*the grbunil-reiff; ia)thd middle of igh’is poft, there
is a mortife to receive a tenon m,the jail ^nd ojf^his beam: the' handing are
alfo fattened to this poft .with wooden trundles1," wedges, and nails. •
* I» I» The Hsaaftles; of the Plough, are two
eaehotber at their points or upper ends;, «
Iron Caliper, wbofe fare'ends are fattened with their&nrpins hyoh,'
to thè ir&iet tides of the mould hoard, or hended iron wings, the outer,ends
of the Caliper are pierced'through with Holes“ to’ revive the hoot JRwhich
ferves^to fix the Caliper, &c, to-tHe degreefof expansion required.,
L, Aq Iron Hook, fattened to the beam-poll H.
M, An Iron l|g|g' or Link, three incut's-diameter, which paffes loofely
through-a holé in ohe o f -the-aéns oF?th& caliper, and is laid over thè-ocher
arm_ to. fix the calmer, when the, mould-boardi^rê ropene^lfit their full
extent, _w
N, The perpendicular Shank of the Gauge5 plata>.
Ö, A flat Staple^ ’'which' e$bt>ï&cès 'tli^'Öi^nk of thé |p.Hge-p”late, and the
flat-headed mrew^^with^'hich the gauge is fixed as ne^feeaiaires:
f- P, A hat-headed* Iron fcfow, Which patting Yflr’dugtt*9 fe %lp|£|o, 4 id
perpendicular j gfqwsAnto the :,ehd óf the gfound-fett F, and febves
Qccafiqnaljy tó qleyafé or deprefs the £fegj&'’ \
Q. An horizontal Jron Plate, or Gauge, dlvtPir&hes fquare/ and half art’
■ inch thick,; Vipi' a ^^èndiéulaf lhank^ ^ c e 3 ,jÊ^ijjPt';'Vi»ïtti
the iron fenew, with which it fs fét tcfJa^rÓppfvhd^feérbf
It. ' The j&róudcLrttt, i f tf&eh foiiet 'fSttihmÊtsslcit^^Mê^ a
quarter broadband four inchcj thick'-; thd’ èxtreïHe:“fongtli'-' o f the plough,
from the point of the fliafê A ïa thé end'óf thè gfourfo-Tfelh Ry 'is|ï®ur''¥§et
four inches, ’ !
* S, Two ffcreVs and Nuts, with which thèfiiaftk-bf thè fhare frfalerièff
t g t h q groürtd-teft.^N. B. Only one of the Screws 2nd Nuts appear in tliid:
view of the plough.
T, \A found-heMed Ifort Boh, fixtéett inches Iohjgi,pand'ifi^ei^htSfof km
inch thick, with, a hole through 'fés upper énd for an iron .pin, or ferèw t0>
keep it in i£s place ; thlS bólt-'paffes through the eyes; of the four iron pktes
or hiri^es- T j y , ydiich are properly fitted and rüvetteff fo-the breattplate
apd' iron wiftg^, on'xhotrld-boards,: andifenfos as a fpind'le for them-' to
turjji off
1% ,I t * "%* I 0r thih»' foehès; lon^,. 'Wd'ïrièfefes-
T v *a ,^ ^ e^bfoacf, knd three-fikteenthkof an iheh fhiek,fi vetted t& the breaft-
- -plate’
C $ . 1
pdte'hhd'if^n wings.— N. B. Only, one of thefe hinges are Been in this VipW
Iqf'-the^Plqugh’f T
; U, HBfttp IrAn^H^t'/'bT1 BraceV^nicn Jpkl!ing thAiugh the gfotAid-reA,
Bdam-pofir, arid-lMimw is foftenea.th|retdwith a.fcrew and nut, to ftrengthert
jh'e ‘tail -end; ofthe plou^-' f
~W, ‘ - h e a d e d P i h , of jlScreW, which pattes through thd
.ppj^.endiofo'the-hc^t, ,’o^t spindle T. i "
K ' ’SPUjSB Cl«mpsƒ qr of hIron ‘ fafipned to the beajn, td
preverit1 -iffi -
K ^>Vni Iron LPooE^iaftcncd .to' the Upper end of th e beam!, and is occa^1
fronally fob-ip. ^^ho']^®r''^ef®ryedi‘gaUge, «So '-feghlate fhe depth of «the
furpow.5 1
Z. | t 4;An Iron Ghl%^ t?rtl^egii&for/hfei!ng S,'-'fegrffeht e f ^ 'cfrdlhr pierced
through y lljV liwles-, This fegment i$ about- an eighth part of a circle, wh<sfe
r a d i u s a < r § A k ( e f - w o mclics, bioad, and.fUhree? q]uajtters of,-an
hull- ihVk • ps ihmls' L t h r e e i n c M e S r jVlpng, and «one inch fquare
Willi a-Hole ^t]j|i^^vLriLmify;M)i the ho.oL^dito thropglp -
' /‘I he t'orfiage-idhoelv ‘Sf4 *'v<> lL’ct dfemUpr*,'.an'd?, two incnCfl
bi o id on their periphery, s
< $>iV ^ ^brjIllpfoAxle-Troe^ i^ K t y ' halff^Torig,- and one inch
and anHfefgbah fpi are iT.a.fh-^ middle, with a I l f all IhoUldel-gui! eich-Sce, cfor
the under?eril-'of'thfe^p^@M,^ | )e a r agailfflr/rta whfoh!i; with a
feaU-u’redi.pfni ^r wedge through the axle-ts^#. yy
; c; c, • '/Two \vooden Ferrils, or inches In -diMAter, <dhd
..op^MUh thick: tne.ufe?of thefe ,walh.efs is!ic^fet th®ate^rrKgeAi^heelsM a
greater or lefs^&ftafice fromthey•fe-ocCalmn-requi res.
' ‘'d , '“An Iron Hlfak, 'WhitJt paffes tlrfollgtt aJhillc m'the end of Hie'fiiafik
' Hmthc^auge, -^ftid'ivlt f\ os td'"hx t i t ajdt -ti t e,..ggug,e, (i&g, tp the,, beam,, to
wHfch it is^ faft'etlSd -wifeh ftrpng.,^©{^ v^;pwsjjj,‘_
f-vA|a ir©n'Sl^, 'fourtlin indf#svlong, two i'llcj-ies ,'anl; an Half broad»
. and three^eighths, of an inch thiekH yEfais-o^3t© infixed' in. an'horiafcntal po-
Mionfbloie under the caliper; ifs' fore fend; is turnedefoVnRanting, and fattened
to the-fheet G ; its tail end is turned up, and. fattened to the beam-poll H :. in
j the middle of this plate, there is an aperture thirteen inches, long/ its' ule. is
to guirf^the Iron pin f/ a®irCguia;t'e the*nitron l l fhq caliper^ &c. this "plate
fcrvcs alfo as a brace or'ft ay to the beani-poft and lfiea.t.
f, , v A round-headed Iron Pin, with which the cali^eVis c^A'rfedtecf to the
directing' plate “eY the under end; of" this ^pin patting through ’ the aperture- in
the plate, is thereby directed fo as to procure- a regular motion 65 th’e^caifper*
JiouM“btiifetd^ ^St&. " 'Sed Tig. d,
t jioli-yp Iron: Ha(^^ewitfe’>fiwf ';hofiz®nfcaI -.ears • oixdttgdrt fa ’e&li*’ o f
6lierti|& thefe. ears embrace the fore dnds. of r the calipfer, ahd is* corineitted
thereto-. withtth©foon:pins=. h». h^i one pf whishls ;enly ieeivm thk- Wa&fcfr--