t * 9 .]
j | & 'Or in ‘the- Filiaiy to fu-ftain .and guide the directing
r " ^ e ’Bire&ing'-R.?^ eight ihefee^ a r f an IaMfong3 a ili eight-twelfths
‘ipan mctijttiiL A< a^h^sto receive the
traffic' F ; Kud^lbfeF'inAfeMifeht-'ffOfa ltfitkejie is- another hate to receive the
MiSfe4,* Or’cehterfhfr,. of- thd wheel' Hi
j> -A Btafe Pillar who-fe exS&ane fengfch te-three. inches and thi^e
eigMhsi bafe.
4 M, " A ]Kateof;i'GMs; -preperly-fittfed bed-kQ^gtoWridi
N B ra^Wh er^t^A^, thre|||n&es and’jm half 'long, and ftHiteje
iHffle^broa#: oh- the apet'‘e f MS upper- ftofoee, <i& fixed Tan> iron contest-pin
#hfch :^{fi-s/ tlh¥m^i '£he-‘ ftar wheel H,'*andl*tke twiddle of th&' dird&ing
ib& K. . - - ' .
B , ' A JBioek 6 f VPo^i} on which' theTgl&fs' is ‘truly and properly ’laid to
he gtejmd. '„
P • A-Skrrtd Box/ 'bf 'BeSj WftS: half tty- -fbttr ilcheS tsffieeand
half an.&hch dee^*. I
‘ B , : A>Pedeftal of Wood, whMe %tffe is three inches diMihter, and-height
t$6 llfihSs. "
R, R , R, R, Pemr'Rrafi Mlars,- each of «4*016 extreme fength ls'^elght
inchcSfM-ee-ei'ghthM ' - diametei at th&hiife' eleven-twelfth* Pf an
indft'; thefe pillars-fuftain the' traces , U .' ‘
K1 A frat pece'df Btafs, eight 'rt&hfe and kn%, dftd ftve'-teighths
of aft' inch broad, and' one-fourth often inch-'thick; which fbpports the ver-
ti|S&heel ^f,iMthiit<S,.axis or cfanld' j ‘‘
T A Brafs Pillar, four inched ihree-ei^ffes^onf/ and fM-eighths Of
in diameter at- ksbale. On ‘this -jfilfer infeed a convex ‘bed W, -with
a'caj^properly prepared,'teAher!dpr|&in^n^or policing’|fnQave and convex
glaHes. 11
d>"'UV 'Braesffio^^pf^themv''i|" twee feetjlong, the; other *’eme
loop three inches 'anefan half long';1'five eighth«1’ of an itidh tfeald/'and^two-
twelfths of art inch thicks' the fpihdfi£fof the mam ihatt A, turns hylhxrl
center Sft.this ’/brace, and j|s j'diliy anfife are faften^d_ t^P^'-^llars R, R ,
R, R. . 1 " . _
V, A Vertafiar Spfcir^Whecl,- three J^che^ h^eV^ighihs^dmiifefer, with
fifty^twa .t'edth r the axis of^iis M ^ T i s 4 Compounded-tr^nl, w h i^ c tu jte s
twelve polifliiog rods.
W, A Ppnvex Rt?d,fc one quarter diameter, coveted’ .with, a
concave, ital cap. ||ef'PigT 2., On 'the (top csE nhe cap is fix# an
’ iron center-pin, ’whiclf paffOs ’ through the iron, rod Y, a£ reprefenjed in
1 1 1 i.
X i A