n i
G, . The Stock of the fore Carriage.
H, The curved Tranfom,
I * One of the. curved }|ails. jg tj :) J ^ .
v v V y V, v , The Wedges with which the meats and counters-are
fattened to’ th i fjlgg B | I - . L One of> the Slips of Wood with Which the curved handle is connected
to the carriage-beam. ■ -
M, The fulcrum of the curved Lever. :
M The curved Lever. , > '/ §ftt
Pj One o f the Slips of Wood, on which there.: is., aifc imkfx; far. fetpiig
the carriage wheels, &c. to the height required.
Q, One of the Irma Bota with which^he g W h . &c*J are fcrcwed up
-and down. ..
W , One of the Ckbelh, Whldfi (Sbtftsbi» m fdt€ Wheel,
F I G U R E '% , £I
AfieffpeStw* View of one o f the Shares, C b f W ^ W x s , attd hfotflfi-BbAKus.
C, The Share.
The Coulter,
E* TheSheat.
F, The Mould-board.
F J. G U R R; , VI- g v.
A Geometrical Elevation of the H ind- C a r r ia g e ,
B, B, The Carriage Wheels.
I ’ j The Ends of the curved Rails.
O .< The Hook that keeps down .the ; lever,
p p } The Index Slips.:
Q; q } The Iron Bolts* Screws and Mut?. -
R, The hind Tanfom.
S i ' . The Axle-tree»,
X, X, The Collets and Keys. ;
A peYpmve View-of the 'CARkJAfeE,,'^-':
A , T h e Bridle, or Tugg-iron.
B, The fore Carriage Wheel.
G, The Stock, or curved Bed.
IT, The Iron Rod, with its nufc _ ; i t
W W The Cheeks which contain the fore ta!mage-Wheei. . ■ ;
Y’ ’ . fo&Qd I M M f I S U R E