I 3
C H 'A R, m .
A Defcription _ o f Mr. P in fyaBe c k ’,s «C . Jp. A!
P L A T E. i m E-I fi.
,A perfpeElive View the Wh'cIeVtf me' C r$&,-3? ^jnrnae to a '^ a le ^ lz Quarter of
an Inch to .yg,,F(Mf ^_
A , ? B ^ HE'>Flobr,-'oji wh&h the 'Crane rs 'eredred.'' 1 J
X B, 'Fhe t^eJ5f¥ai|^ .*?Ef6t?^pea
“ inches long, from fhoulder to Ihoulder, and orfe1 incfifl^nS?^107
C, ' C, Cj C,- - Four fide .Rails, -qne ;f6'ot 'ereVen^mSfe/'^ongf *Tri& I ro
upper rails are one inch fquare^ and1, the two under rails tSne^fwiK a3d |c4<®r-
.. ter; broad, and one inch thick. -
D, D, | Two Tranfoms/ fev&m Icfrig, and one men fquaS$. p>
E , ‘ The great 'Walking Wheel, in which the' m e n p n e r f b o t T o f e n
inches in diameter, xnd-TDurin'dbFes1 arid ah half broad dri its^ertpftcry. c°
E, The Axis.of'the 'WglKing Whei I, lia.*“incKcs.ajidf<kri' hafif^hg,
from flioulder toHhoulderfoq^i^fees' and five-'etghthfe <-e#:4tl> fferigth, fere
two'inches and one^eaghth fquare.j_ and fchq cylinder, o£ roSa-nd park, >|bn
which the rope is wound up) isiiwo inches in diame^Tv’ h"
'"'6,'11 A S^tir-wheel,1 t®tfeefrii®es aritf ferfe^'eightli^ri diameter,1 witfr ninety-
fix tfieSi.'1' TjSs tffieel gives motion to the pinion and cgsSjSOJ,- !•
• -H, Wfth eight^teiS';
in a'brafsJxame, faftenedLto the front under rail b f^eTraih e : attho*efed of
tne fpindle there is'a crank, whofW radius "is>halfran'inch t'tlfis-erank is^-c-on-
riejfled'to the feeding belloWs L, hy idre irem rod ®S
I, ”A Cfank; fixed 6n a'ftju&fe'ln the ’fore1' end o f the fpiridli afr the
pinion H.
K, 1 An,Iron'Rod; fourteen inches and an'halfrlong its upper end is
hung -to the crank I, its- under end- pafles through' an aperture in trief&or
and' is fattened - with an iron pin to the under-board o f the 'reedihg bellows
L, SgBms End of the Feeding Bellows, to which the rod K is- fafteriedsls
M, A Dial Plate, or Regulator* one inch -and five-eighths diarn eter,
fixed to a pedeftal on the floor. A fegment of this plate is divided intofthree
.equal parts, marked i|jg$ 3, with a directing hand, 'by which the motionB-
the walking wheel.is regulated iri the %>U$wing manner, viz; when tbie'direft-
B r iig