L, One of the Bridge-trees, £ëet jfoc inches long fromffoouïdé». to
fhoulder .of its tenons, gnjne. inches. bro.acJ, ‘and leven thick: tpis Bridg'e-
'\tree is curved -hipo inche^ fröm a ,%ait/ljne;£jhe [fenon- at its fore end paffes
through the mortife in the Bray-;tree L/nndfthe tenon at', its back end through a
mortife <ih *an AAn of theTame dimenfioni as ther-Arm \ H : in the middle <s£ tfi'e
upper furface,,of the Bridge^treejis a plafe of brm, to receive the under pivot of
the :‘Mdl4ffon|s:i
. JVT, M, M, The Mifl-ftj^ j i ^
N,. N, N,- _ The iron Spindfes,. on which, the upper Stones are fixed : fchefe
npindles3!rre • rime féét^ïtóg-1 btèa&h and 'thifflchefs is tnrée jSglhes
‘ah^amslf b jrwo lno^ne3föufih. ‘c '
Ö ,. - J Orie on tne3d^ ^ ^ l^ ^indldWfetjfefe
Wallowers are And fodPLfoiff inches ‘ and’ fonP*rot&3i diameter, ''Êi^iii^^uïfêen
Tfundfeifeach'. 'S
P, m m ^nagéSim|?,0M ^Wfe ' è i t
Wtrêl\ this Rail is 'fóutffèfet t ^ niiiaï«1t ) ^ 'f e ^ _ in ^ ‘'IMd, aèft fb,ur incÈe's
thick, turning on an .iron Bolt at one. end/ 'thé? dthir efid ’'flidffig;.°m a Bracket
fixed toWfe: of the joift§, and -forrfts a mortife, in Which a Wedge is clfïven, to
'fèt: the Rail and * ftr?
. Qi _ -'The horizontal‘Spur-vvKéèfe'’-tftït^vfe^röotio^^td^flie:‘WcklfóWëfs : :fhfs
Whéel^s^five feet fix-friefibs1'diameter, _ haiungv forty-two1 nogs .or tëbth, ahèlis
fixed qni the perpendiöï&f'.ShMt'' R.
' R, 1 ^fie perpendicular' Shaft/ rffSê feit and1 one 'inch' loW* 'find ‘ Wne^foot
twö inches diameter, having two iron Spindles : the under Spindle turhs in a brafs
-aid of the Column B: 'thV upper Spiiidle turns
ifi a brafs! Plate ihfertéd! iiffo the under futfhee of the Carriage-rail T. 1
Oifiglo■ êiifë SpdfLiwHéel, ftbree feet "two*inches diameter,"“ havftig fifteen cogs :
this wheel is fixed on the upper end of the perpendicular Shaft, and is connected
tö thé Crown-Wheel on the Wihd-fhaft.' 4?
1 'T , - The Carriage-rail, that Supports the^upper pivot ofthe perpendicular
Shaft: ; this Rail- is féventeèn- feet Mb inches long, Öasér- foot broad; and nine
inches thick, fixed on the Aiding Kerb.
U, The fixed Kerb, feventeen ' fei* Three inches diameter] one foot two
inches broad, and ten ^nehes thick : this Kerb is mortifed on the upper ends of
the Pofts A, A, A, and fixed with ftrong iron Scifcw-holts: on the upper furface
of the Kerb are infested twelve Fri&ion-rollers, on which the .Hiding Kerb re-
W, The Aiding Kerb, the-lame diameter as the fixed Kerb U: it is one
foottwb inches' broad, and feven inches and a half thick, and revolves on the
Fritócfa-ïoléï® inferred into thet fixed Kerb,, having four iron half ftaples fixed
Oh- its outer' edge, the perpendicular Arms of which are ten inches long, two
inches broad, and an inch thick.
: Xj ,X, - Two of the half Staples: their perpendicular Arms, embracing the
outer edge of the fixed Kerb, prevent it from being blown bff.
Y, Y, The
: V, Y, . / ^ k T Capfills of Afr^'illy.,eighteen feet and nine inches long* one.
foot two inches. feoad]“lM one fo9t tluck.tjjpefe ^lls are fixed at each end with
flrdngirpfoS^vWfooks to tli&s^idifig-kerb, andjÜftfjÉo the Carriagérrail T f Séé
Ipiale l W,i< &1 * ' , ^ J 5 -Ï -
X, r\i^5^cffs-rail,iffeven feetdo^'-'cinte. foot two inches broad, and-one,foot
thibk «BÉK kail' U liMvti,d«cdgeway mtojThdj Capfills, and fixed thereto with
ftrong ■kby.v^oltg;. See PM|C 3,
a,] A .Bracket, five 'feet long/ one ’ jfodt foil/ inches ^ fe& extreme breadth, !
and ten ,iifehes‘thicli..:^tm^Biackct^ is ^uï^edïjwith a ftrong ,br.afs; collar f for the
the undp'r/feindle „of) theSlhdfhafe^tQ turmfi^it^s fixed,^on ,t]ie upper edge of
the Crofi-rail Zv wulj|u!,9n&rc\\ -bolts ane^riuts. See Plate^., '
,t [j , A Bracket?, faenfieet .lwg, i out- feet in *ïtl extreme breadth, and ten
inches,1 thick: this Bucket is int9wt^|^ore ends ,0 ^ 6 Capfills, 'and,is fixed
thereon with, iron?bolt|s it;isufojdednnfo two paits,j.to embr^dThekMfar qf thé
•Windlhalt, ^mcRfixed.’^ogctheir with fcrew-bol'fe. Sfeg Plate
^5 Jibe ,^ihdlha%;, its fexfeeme length i^fifteenfeet Ots^ diameter at its I
fore eld|is two fe^t, a n ^ ^ ïo R t ' fix ] in'ches'^at- ;its .Itqk^end.; ’pivot at’ the
% c k end is fix’ )n & ^ d i im e t e r l f t ^ j | k ^ s ,j^ e '® e c f dihmgfi^it, two
/'iifehes£tfii'e • looÊ diameter, to ad^j(|^^^®|ni^o4 to^pafs dfuy tfirdugh it. Sëé
- PI itc 3'i1^ ( . >f , M y hVj- \\Jr .}
, 4, A verticil Crown-wheel, fix feo|t diameUrJ 4 linving^ fifty-four|^og|, èr I
teeth, (which .tufp the Spur-wheêl S. 7 ^ .
' A Bolfter, fix-feet three inclffis long, ;ohCfe,dti'bjfiy inch bfM^land'fi^
J^ ^ K% ick - /< th i^ llffe fl 'i| t tenoned" into ^^^bfs|fil^Z^dife<aiy ^ under I
/7the~center^p^e->Windflïalt, having a'.moriifc ’thiough^fere ,eiM;-in ^hickis: a I
a braft] pulley «.'four "uiljies dumeter -.I th^aG^, en^ofW^olfter is^|i|feti#d^ on
the ,upper fe face of the Shduig kkb, vi)th? a ftrong Tfcfew.:'the upper fidd ofehe I
Bolfter forms drabbet,’''or g|o|ve;' an im h Ifedf deep^ for thd'Sliding-bolt
to move-ip-. See Piat'c^3^ F|'^; 3.' ' . '
' f, ' v " The ” Sliding-bblf,’ ifeet ni|^|inohéS - long, riiné .iflenes, brba'd/ ancf I
four^inches thick, h a v ^ a flbbet óh cachifidp^^o iitohès and. a^half-^e^oal
the uppr fuifg|e,<?f |h> B o l t , ^ i r i g itsf ^ . 6^ is''fixed a> brafs S'ftld’ !
ag^inft wÉibfi?lEê^ack1 eridéffthè iron Rod K 'tóèrs., T§ee.Elat-ef 3^
g • A Line] ope’ end-lof vlhich, ov er tt(c 3.hr<ifs‘ pjtlley. before-nïen-j
Ifioned,- infixed ifethc’ foie é§f-'bfthe i i ü M WÈÊËÊÊÊM
!7rend-,mfs^&t0t-,Ephg a ;^ight|fi3^feji^to- mdl|e>fhgvS»Fs face ,the,w|id
equal to the ftqnes-eièplqye#| “and, 'WhenI’thelpreffiire.iöf feie, wind is more than,
fufficient, tKe'Sails turn ofea'ft edge, ^rKf-pyefs back ,fhp:^idt^7b4t,'. v^biefe prevents
their going with ^great .velocity : knd, when Sails,-are
P^p^ffSFup tq’thfeir^ plaè^^pn'., ‘ 1 _
h, The iion Rod, before1 defcrihed; ^Sèe Elate- 3,.Fjg.f>3jv,t - 1 . '
i ’ i, i, i, TE<? feur, Cardinal' Arffis5»by which rthe .SailW are, regujatedjtithefe
Arms’ afe ^ e d ön thé forel^d'^of the1 iron.,Rod, ferew'd to the end pgthe
-Rod and the, fore ■ H i Arms: their extreme;1feigth is fix/feetjfix
L'"’4hches from4, the cebferj- bm foo't broad-in the center*,' and five inches thick ; at
S ,he outer ends ?bf the Arms 'dre fixed Lines, which-connéift-tihe Arms -to the Sails, I WÉÊÈËÊÊI • 0 1 ■