£ ffc J
^ The$&eat o h t h e holier-fits.'1 •.
M |51 *T\$$ m©V^ab)ejlIrd.ri'‘|Stapl|5iIIto flgaijy ‘the ends of the falling-1
har^'P- • * J . n- - {’•n ' iit „• j
^ T $ b ‘'lrorfSrSt3j « ! ^ 1» ^ 'direct the-rOds
| nj | f t | FlufiSlre^^Srfd 'Nifrs/Jby whlih -the tnachineus fastened to
pOfts^-B^Bfi * 4 S‘ * ^ " 1 ' V ' y
"'-o, O, | H Ii on KdtfS^^llich f jftaffi theleather IrapsV 'See Flgi 13.' |
q’ q, _ TSto Pieces 'efrcfe tuM^horiizbntaHy5 at j
angles with ‘their pLTpdii'd^pl^|fi@1|^ ( and, like tenoffl[ ipdfs through!
; ^ ^ ^ Fture m ©a<& end at thfe fiont\l^feat ® to wHieh,' and’ the <back
flay-baf U, they ^®fefS&^a^ffK-Ceiew§^nd^fi^J,i -leading' a'fpice between
thM^o aid bars, ','forlpe-;jacks-tovi^Q'ke: f ie jy tffttHfifl-dlfrvfa?1 See F%-:3-
B, E, The' upper Ends, df the tu^f jffihci^PPo'fts dP&tahddrds, on which
th&Jiuehiric 11 ciceded. See defeription of Fig.'1. and a. ’
4Pj|^ *i'3Part' 'dHh’er &Tfir-wfidifl.f: 1
ia L, *j ’ The“i4x«;‘'o*f “ n
R, ' Th^S^^boxr,J add Shfc->Barrwf
The Star-fcrews. *• *M a.- ^
^ T , ' T^h^'Slur%hllie^/Sl'iff &ds1
U, U, V.TheitfMng-bar. S:e£ dbfe%f|tid^Qf#late>lhdF>^
* W , W , * lTW6 Plates oFIrori. ^See ddfiSfiptibh M Slate L
i / x , ( 'Two fixed Itqfi JPlates.-d their life inscription* of Plate h f e
L Y>/tya • 'ThePr'&fer-b'kr. H
■'oio,®c,' lj TfoVlrbnlRd'ds'. See=deTefiptid'fi df Platfe*1.
■’ d,rd, £ ’ P&t'oPtKe^i^iih'M v'S^e-Fig.-t and jj$ y > t ■ - H
raipi/jc jpi d 1©fi the Iron Rods df'u'the'f preffep-har.* See-defaaption of
Rlap&pP/' 1 & '* - ‘ r ‘ '' 1 -i ’Jj ‘ l,\ ‘ '
«,W,'-&te. h-S^ews S W P >Seedihei» ufeindelcnptidhof.Plate I. g lD} Two Iron Rollers, by which the leather- j§raps p, p, are fup*
^ p, p, Twtf Leather Straps, with which the rdcfefr, 1, the flay-frame, &q,
J;h; q, s S ee> defeription ofiPlate II. * J H
• j , r, T h e Sprin^ac^ky or piete of- Wood', mt&which-the finker-fprmgs
7, The Joitifs^of the caft*er-backs2
. t, The •Smkerfpr-iffgs.
% u, t - The iS jil Slay-bar.-
, C e P L A T E