’ 1 V ^ i .1]
Plough: itfebach 'edge' is thred feet two
inches front the aforefaid henon; itSifextreme length-®} two feet, breadth three
inches and three-eigW$% andtone inch'atid a- quarter thick, inclining to, the ho-
Lrtzonrthirty degrees» bd 3
k)ip 4 d, i The fdrei Shegtiof' th shipper Plough: its dimenfionjs and angle of
.fpdin&ioh' arenthe- fame;-a^th4 ;hih4 SheafeJof jthissPlougk;! the interval be-
atsveesh the tivociliheat^^ three inches and »an half); hEbertwoj wedges' at ,the
fUppefjehdsiofuth®fet^'hedtisri|^e tbPet this? Ploiigbhigher ©slower at wilt :i 1
loiG^moTheiShare-hrajsetAfd Hook, with its yronTtJrejfc andinutria ;oneinch
and 1^e..qiiartj|s brd'ad, and three»<eighth’si oh an iqc>,thifeki,the. hhok: is
hah:a^:ihQhsi©ch^eteri,>l a
- >qi'H,*loa fEhe/fore J&mlfer^ f}s>vt3®o; feet feyeifi in.tihdsplojagj thtee inches 'broad,
aijd t’hrqt.-fourlh-) of an nich^th^ck on thq b|ck edge^,iipehnihgitp,fhehorizon
thjrty-eightj d,egeee%i>3
vtTh,ei33l0Shght^risl&-thei>r(dinien£ons-are.^et^£oith?in tlig djfe/iption
Ji 4,*oPi©
'JronfQr’QUiadireli :jltheit-i:d^pienliq.rfs,e &c4 -are., fet-, forth in
Tpg.i^. ||nHgl|3£
y g f i d ths,« g£6tmd?refts apd the
tph’Jshg Ploughfi fSe,^ gig.J s.t and,,;a;
to t4 abhinai®rt- Bate, iWbnAyhji^e&^Bghtif^mcWshf^hroadj
this, plat§ i$ hteM#tt^itl}| ^ouidHtesai^l
k': sfpfl inchesr/lpjig,
bipad, and opspingSh ithiGk^j’qj^jng, njnqteeru.inphes §nd'
$feipj&Ua£te§§; t^ th h e ,m e^ r^ ^ g g i t§h|j I%ft kandWxR,,)an,d foftened,,tophe
hand^Qjy anhijheart.hi nv
*uQ> b:>. A -h f d ,to-,the-,ha|J^e;J),'(tg g i^ tW mouldboardphgroper'
pr d||#i©n-.' „
- n,?p ?>j ?> jr(!ythSg%fW§Q#eUj ij^yigg,. ,w,cth whiph thg,MadJpg ,grp fal|ened
h?Se^hfir t :the.-und-g.r'^RWdlqji^ g o t te n in. th^s }yie^„{#v' p l o u g f i . ' /
" Q’< s^fesd^liquelyj. |o_ j.th% left^bging four inrTy»i
further from the th^lqff bundle.; the d^apee between
Jj^'P%ftli^^h^h^trthqh,unjder end»; an^two ffeet
eleven inches, infide meafure, at pg ino jbUppf i| gp-cfL *
R, || The left Handle, into, the he|tni-ih'piortiied; diffant fi'oto'the
thank of 'thejpiare fifteendgcheS.
. a’ ^ ieeI * the!tight fide iff thh oartilgei. runs in the furrow) and
is twentyjone inches and ^-n half in diameter.
_ h, The’/Wheerdtitrbe'sleft fidej ¥unsr ©n thd landp3hd is foVenteen inches
in diameter.
F % The