I m i
, J.P, sHl A P. ;
A ' DeJ&iption and ‘Explanation êfra M A C H I N E fr r veritUatikf'Mkes, vt$èn
A from a MoSèlfrfr’eftfretPib the&BMJfa Ke& KrE'Pfifz cfirrlx b,* Efr'; Frip. Si
P L A T E , I. P (I b: t, 2, j-;£4 ? 7:
: p p p p P ^ F ^AeiMmomèêt^’MMi are.
■ fill madlitaliafr th& Dime from of 'the!Msdeh: h
A ^n^beAsUn^t_.tfefiT^h»o*er, wh^fefra^^is $&p inqj$$. g,nd
X lL feven-eighths ^ this Lever gives motjs®3 to th$, fpw-wW l ft
|ce. .'
b®3%iA*rSp#? Wheel, ; this ASfhfel,
With its ratchet^ See. turns; loofdy oar its arbor, and isfaa>atete(i!fe^ .thQifietrq-
giade motioaof: the arched leyer A . : I
. ; A Spur Wheels tw® mehes? andr a quarter ,
B , . . A Spur Wheel,. coueiiuehiahcïrferfeHE^Ilhs Saïöëttó;
E,. A Ratchet Wheel, ten-twelfthfc.pf anvièek&ameter, Mfiued.t-gtihes
, fpUtiwheel D.
. E, \ A Ratchet-Wheel, three fourths? of au iaeH diaruetéfe
- G* The; Click. of the ratdiet-wheel E , faftehedAo: the frame ,of ;the machine.
H, A Pinion Wheel and Fly I, I, I, I, .a^ated^Sy'the ^urwheel B ; the
arbof pf .this Pinion is a crank, which gives motion to the horizontal rod N,
.and the perforated lever P, which works the a/tntilaforJ SddAgj J .
I, I, I, I, Plie Fly, fixed to the arbour of the pinion.
K, A Spring; fattened to the IpnrwhéerB, revolves with-ij~uand forces
its dick, agaipft the ratchet wheel F.
k ’ TheClick of .the Ratchet Wheel F, fattened as béförte-mentioBédPo
ffié iptW Whjld^. B.
. Mi M, TWO Pi^cdi WheêSi one Ur five-eighths o£ an inch, a id .the-
other thrm-eighths. diameter-; thefc Pinions. are fixed oo^oae pbpt, which
gaffes through:a^?le,iiear the% edge of-the WbeelB, and is^ e d .thereto ^ith,
its Tmall Pinion, connected to the Wheel D, and the other 'connected to die WlijSgpfpL _‘
N, An Iron Rod, conneded to the crank and the perforated lever,
which works the’ventilator. -
O, The