[ 3.« |
nrAfiot-hejr^pie&^f. Wood,: twor feet döiig, Ah© broad, and two inches
p ick , .nailed ‘toithe-ibattom, and the qthert fide of the refervoir.
|*afFj F ,. T iwq Bracket s,.uifedo inobtestknd^ofie fourth long55 one of them foutf
inehesSaildioh^^th-'b'roadj and'the ether one inch'and three fourths broad, and
both_-ö£ tkemdbhd’ineh andon&foprth thick,nhaving two mortifes in each for the
'ftluiri Staphs; i®..^iaffs th/<^fg^ikrtd{% 'ttfhfekjthey are fattened-with two Trundles
Eq- 't°h^fett()nj^j.tlu. . PeyVqi|;,' arid- with the pieces of Wood^ J) and E, form a
fbcket f e >tkte'ltxlf-tOife% n*i>ri? ^teS^ätevaf, Fig.' 2.
©\ ri'SFdur Staples, tbhfc fatten the Brackets- F, F, to the pieces of
Wood ©JanHtE/1 ) no i<... v. • ' 1 - ..
*'T4ie'iSeed«l^iSpel, ^fck^feguiates the3 delivery d f the feed out of the
IJfeTen oir, J ilb -j Iff! Hllreud naht it ncf üliili longj^nd 1^-divided into three
parts, t ife, the pkrf that ddipt® ti$e tgrfin, whioh^i« two inches and three ^
fourths diameter, and-iq’hh^hch and ledteneighths il<Srag-; is covered ivith a braß
rim, haying two grooves, to receive two braß triggers., and has 31 fockets on its
circumference. 2d, the part by which it is cobmtedied to the roller on the axis
©ftthe-hind -wheel,' by-hjeahs*rif a ileäther Ärap-and bqdtfc,-ds -two inches and three
eighths diameterf and three, fourths of an inch long: the third part has an iron
rim, which forms 1 ratchet-wheel, two inches and feven eighths diameter, and an
anch long.?'1 See .Plane 2, F ig i^ a n d Ä ^M.PMte'^; Fig.i ^
I < - An iron ßat<ü,«fixed to Ae bottom ofothe Seed-boK, Ate fore end .of
which »foils into-the teeth >of the aatchset, tcr:preventthe|)aelc!;£rom turning back*
■ ■ « Plate o*Figl«, and P M e ; * » * • |
: K ’ rrr-A Bracket, five inches 'Jong; itstextfenie breadth ris 'two inches arid a
□ l i p atuf ’ alfSefe thick : in’ the>;fi*eil end Of# this Br-ackei: -are fixed- the two
pLaggers, whida 'lac^dn the.gr doytesJ©f-fh&1&ed4>arrd, 4® fcre^eut the grain, if it
Äoüid'tftick''ifiithte ^fefcktÖS d & e t% r8vi> ■> ' ' j ■
■ » H I TheUwo Brackets j-Aat hcwtercthe* l^mdfe'e-ofrhe Steed-battel. I
M A braß Pfote, thr-ee hMtes-danä -uh> ^fehHidng-, -an inch and a half
fefoad, and t h f « fixbtefit#*®f ’ an inch, with ^l»tnidter forface
of the piece'rif Wood D, to receive the iron Sliders N, N, and; their fpriog.
•get’Platte 3^Mgi 5.1 ' r
K N ^ '•rTWö'’irön Slidters/ffone -inch aM''fwe'|eighf;&;,‘longr -each- -half an
idchJfcrtead',1 ähd-'ä-n -eighM $fttek their efo^4;ril£f Site bent davraWafokhree eighths
of an'inchfl^^^fpringA:) -th^bär-againÖ: ?Tthey %¥ela3f ä#inÄ hroäd, having a
«itettfe in the ASMe^them, Hifhugh wMefi^afs two ifoA'f*en?s<, td f e p them
;tj5 their -place, JgSa Pfot^l' FigV'§^ v« 3 ^ . ‘
Ö The' Spring-ihearing againft the fore ends of the Sliders alordaui, to
-preß5 them againft the Seed-barrel, to prevent any feed from falling out b«uf ^hat
v .is cdntainediifi its fot^eti.*. .. \ . • , , . , / ,c
• p, » -iÄ^aTfe te '^if innheilhin^la. half ^lduf, 3Ü& »tee1 inehes and ;a halt
. broad, fattened with woodder-ews over the Sliders,;-and Springs to -keep the dirt
or wet from them. See Plate 2, Fig- 2. ^ ^ '1 ^ /
W Q The Spoilt-, Aat^c&ritte^s^he feedfo -fiUrf’fhd-barrel- tb -the-'flifroW i tliri
Spqntj'made-of tffin- ^la^iteni m thiberiifcfe -anl.-fe half long^' ht is fixed with
wood-ferews againft the i-rifide of A e Bracket, that fujiports flic pivots of the bar-
■ t g i ^ m m n i d 3 1 rei’